You can play Minecraft with a controller in several ways. Either on a game console like the Microsoft Xbox, Sony PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch, or by connecting a controller to a computer or mobile device.
Looking and Moving
If your controller has control sticks, the left one will control where you look, and the right one will control movement. You’ll sometimes want to use both at the same time, so if you’ve not used this style of controls before, you might need a bit of practice to navigate the world successfully.
Try exploring the area around where you started, avoiding any big holes in the ground for now. Use the A button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and X button on PlayStation consoles, to jump. If you’re in Creative Mode then you can double-tap this key to begin to fly, and hold it to fly upward.
There are a few other useful movement controls. Press down the left control stick key while moving to sprint faster, and press the B button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and O button on PlayStation consoles to sneak (or fly downward in Creative Mode). When you’re sneaking, you won’t be able to walk off edges – so it’s useful when exploring dangerous areas.
Menu and Inventory
Once you’re comfortable moving and looking around, hit the Start, Options, or Plus button (depending on your platform) to bring up the menu. This menu will let you adjust settings, exit the game when you’ve had enough, and do all kinds of other useful things. To get out of the menu, select “Back to Game” or hit the Start, Options, or Plus button again.
Press the Y button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and △ (Triangle) button on PlayStation consoles to open up the inventory screen. You can then use your device’s touchscreen if you have one, or your left control stick if not, to explore the inventory – using the A button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and X button on PlayStation consoles to move items around. When you’re done, hit the B button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and O button on PlayStation consoles, to return to the main view.
Similarly, you can use the X button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and □ (Square) button on PlayStation consoles to open up the crafting screen and select what you’d like to craft with your touchscreen or the left control stick.
Locate a tree near where you’re standing and run up to it. Aim the crosshair at the trunk, and then hold down the right trigger on your controller to start punching it. If you’re in Creative Mode then it’ll break immediately and disappear. If you’re in Survival Mode, then after a few moments of punching, it’ll break and drop onto the ground – or maybe straight into your hand. Walk over it to pick it up if not.
Once you’re holding something in your hand, like a block of wood, sword or pickaxe, you can use the right trigger to attack things with it (including blocks or other creatures in the world), or the left trigger to place whatever you’re holding onto the surface that you’re pointing at. Try placing your block of wood on the ground, and then breaking it again.
Items and Fighting
If you want to drop something without placing it, perhaps to give something to another player, you can press down on your controller’s D-pad. Try not to press this button while you’re holding a sword and fighting a zombie, because you’ll throw the sword on the ground and need to pick it up again before you can continue fighting.
Any items you’re holding will also appear on your hotbar – and you can use the left and right bumpers to select which item from your hotbar you’re holding. When your hotbar is full, additional items you pick up will go into your inventory, accessed with the Y button on Xbox and Nintendo consoles, and △ (Triangle) button on PlayStation consoles.
To use objects in the world – like buttons, chests, crafting tables, and more – aim at the thing with the crosshair, and use the left trigger on your controller – often called the “Use” key.
Finally, in multiplayer, you can press the back, select, or – key (depending on your platform) to show what other players are on the server. To talk to those other players or type commands, you can press right on your controller’s D-pad. This opens the chat window and temporarily stops you from being able to move or look around. You can also press left on the D-pad to emote.
Touch controls
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