Before we get into this article, I have to confess something. When it comes to video games, I am a total chicken. A baby, if you will. You can ask my friends who watched me try to play Bloodborne by just frantically running away from things and trying to hide. My fear of, well, everything, is what drew me to Minecraft in the first place! You’re telling me I get to hang out with a bunch of cows, farm to my heart’s content, and build a small armada of boats because I keep forgetting where I left them? Sign me up!
Imagine my horror when we announced the upcoming Nether Update. Even worse, when Per thought it would be good for me to “face my fears” and “stop crying at my desk every time someone says Nether Update” by forcing me to do a little reconnaissance about the Nether. Well, surprise surprise, it’s really scary in the Nether and I am ready to tell you all about it.
In the real world, I love sleep. Sleeping is the coziest, safest way to spend an afternoon. Then I learned that you can’t sleep in the Nether because the beds explode. EXPLODE. Can you even imagine surviving a full day of terrors in the Nether just to feel the cozy embrace of your blocky bed, and then you blow up? No, thank you. The developers tried to calm me down by reminding me that the Respawn Anchor would allow me to respawn safely (well, relatively safely) in the Nether – no bed needed! Right, I’ll go cuddle up with a Respawn Anchor and hope I wake up nice and safe in the Overworld.
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