There’s plenty of reason to be excited! Cloudy Climb will introduce new, free content that includes an all-new progression system, weekly challenges, and a looming tower that – whether you like it or not – loves to rearrange itself whenever it gets an opportunity. Typical procedurally generated tower behavior, but also the perfect place to test your skills and to acquire Adventure Points!
Adventure Points allows you unlock seasonal rewards such as adorable pets, dazzling capes, colorful flairs, and entertaining emotes that offer new ways of communicating with your fellow players. I for one plan to be the cringiest member of my party and dab emote to my heart’s content. If it’s there, why not use it?
And for those of you who simply can’t get enough of these rewards, there’s a second, premium reward track with additional goodies, which can be unlocked by purchasing the Adventure Pass. These rewards have no impact on gameplay, but boy do they look shiny! Er, well, unless you plan on using the Ender skin.
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