Autobots, get ready to roll out! The Transformers DLC by Syclone Studios and Hasbro has swerved into Minecraft with a story-driven adventure that will take you on an adrenaline-fueled ride between Earth and Cybertron. Your mission? Only the small task of saving humanity! Claim your free Character Creator item: the Transformers Hoodie from the Dressing Room, then strap in and let’s defeat some Decepticons.

Transformers DLC
Join the Autobots to save Earth!
Inspired by the iconic franchise, Megatron and the Decepticons (aka the bad guys) think that humans are squishy (rude!) and our resources would be better used to rebuild their wrecked planet Cybertron. Luckily, not all vehicles-turned-robots share their vision. Led by the noble Optimus Prime, the Autobots (aka the good guys) believe in freedom and peace for all – humans included. As such, they will fight to protect us and our planet!

Choose to play as Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Jazz, or Elita-1 as you and the Autobot team set out on an adventure that starts in a sprawling Earth city and stretches far into outer space. And yes, that means you get to take your own wheels for a spin in an upgraded vehicle mode! Before you ask, no driver’s license is needed when our blocky Earth needs saving. Don’t make us regret that decision!
As you work to disrupt Megatron's planet-pulverizing plans you'll have to intercept secret messages, track down the enemy base, and fight your way through Decepticons. Oh, and did I mention that you have blaster-like weapons to help you defend this planet? Well, you do, and they come with all kinds of high-tech abilities and combat modes. Particularly helpful when you come head-to-head with Starscream, Soundwave, and the other Decepticons. If you want to call in more backup, you can also rev it up with friends in multiplayer mode.

Been there, done that, got the Transformer Hoodie! Whip over to the Dressing Room to claim this Character Creator item for free.
The Transformers DLC is out at Minecraft Marketplace now! So put the pedal to the metal and let’s tell the Decepticons to eat dirt, shall we?
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