There’s another reason to take multiple Eyes of Ender with you when trying to find a stronghold. You’ll need them to activate the portal – each stronghold’s portal room contains twelve blocks that must be filled with an eye of ender before the portal will activate. Usually you’ll find that one or two of them are already full, but it’s best to bring plenty of Eyes with you if you’re serious about fighting the dragon – you don’t want to get half-way and then run out before you find the stronghold, or get to the stronghold and then find you don’t have enough to activate the portal successfully.
Do you want to know a fun fact, though? Strongholds were added in Minecraft beta version 1.8, the Adventure Update, in September 2011. But it wasn’t until version 1.0 was released in November of that year that strongholds got their End portal rooms added. Before that, players had to be content with just the libraries, storerooms, and jail cells.
So here’s my advice. Next time you’re hunting down an End portal, don’t just rush through to the dragon. Take a moment to explore the rest of the stronghold, and enjoy what players in autumn 2011 experienced. You’ll find weapons, armour, silferfish, resources, food and plenty of other things that’ll be useful for your interdimensional expedition. If that’s not worth a little detour, I’m not sure what is.
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