It’s time to break out the fairy lights! No, no not for Christmas, don’t be ridiculous. We just need a way to communicate with all those people who have suddenly and mysteriously gone missing. Prepare for some spooky retro adventures as you go investigating the shocking arrival of the new Stranger Things skin pack!
Hold onto your long blonde wigs, kids, because the whole cast is here! Break into a classified facility with Hopper, kick off some Dungeons and Dragons with Mike or heck, why not go totally telekinetic with Eleven?
FAIR WARNING: The images below may contain spoilers for Season 2. Close those eyes if you don’t want to see too much/be too terrified. For those of you who have the wits to dive right in, or have already binged watched the entire second season (HOW?!?!), check out the pictures below to see what’s included!
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