What is your favourite activity in Minecraft? Wait, don’t answer that, I’ll tell you mine instead! I just love setting out on a long journey, travelling far away from home to the middle of nowhere, and then creating my very own village. Not only is it the perfect opportunity to lose my rubbish friends somewhere in the Overworld – it’s inspiring to create a collection of houses of my own design! "Perville", "New Pertham" and of course “Per Land(in)”. These are just a few examples of glorious new settlements crafted by me, Per Landin, ruler of these lands! BOW BEFORE ME NOW (or finish reading this article first).
Building a village is far from an easy task. There are lots of factors to consider, such as “what materials do I use?”, “which buildings do I need?”, and “does the village need fences to keep my friends out?” But above all else, a village has to look good! Why else would you want to live there?
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