Do you know what the hardest material on Earth is? If you said “diamond”, you’d be in the right ballpark. Diamonds are indeed among the hardest materials on our planet, but humans have discovered a few rare substances that are even harder.
Diamonds are made out of carbon atoms arranged in a tight structure, but there’s another natural arrangement that’s theoretically even harder called Lonsdaleite. This substance was discovered in a crater in Arizona, and thought to have been created by the force of a meteorite impact. I say “theoretically” because all of the samples found so far have had flaws that made them weaker than diamond – but it’s absolutely possible that one day we’ll find one that’s stronger.
There’s another type of crystal called boron nitride, which is also extremely hard. In its cubic form, it’s often listed as only a tiny bit softer than diamond – but there’s an exotic form called wurtzite boron nitride that we’ve only ever found in tiny quantities following volcanic eruptions. This means we’ve not been able to experimentally test it, but simulations suggest it should be about 18% harder than diamonds.
As for reinforced deepslate, it’s possible that we’ll never know how the denizens of ancient cities made it. My guess is some combination of diamond and deepslate, forged by volcanic activity at the bottom of the Overworld. We’ve sent lots of geological teams down to ancient cities to find out more, but for some reason they never returned. I wonder why that could be?
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