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    The kay art for the Planet Earth III DLC. It's divided in two parts; the top half shows an impala and two oxen. The lower half shows a shark and a seal swimming underwater.
    Cristina Anderca
    Written By
    Cristina Anderca

    Planet Earth III: Perspectives

    Experience survival as predator and prey!

    A screenshot of a fur seal underwater.
    A screenshot of a shark.
    A screenshot of arctic wolves stalking a group of musk oxen.
    A screenshot of a lily trotter and its baby chick standing on lilypads. An eagle is flying above while a crocodile is in the water behind them with its maw open.
    A screenshot of a leopard in the savanna.
    A screenshot of three impalas in the savanna.
    A screenshot of bees flying above a group of ants.
    An image of a Minecraft player character dressed as Efe inside the field station. In the background there are images of some of the creatures in the DLC.
    An image of the Great White Shark onesie, showcasing the front and back of the Character Creator item.

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