If you've been regularly visiting Minecraft.net (and if you haven't WHY NOT???) you'll know we've made some changes with MINECON this year - to make sure it's the most inclusive event yet! You can read all about it here, on our special MINECON page - but the main thing to know is that we're creating a spectacular 90 minute show, livestreamed all over the world!
But don't just watch it alone in your house/cave/dirt shack. Why not host your own MINECON Earth viewing party and invite your favourite people? You could bake a Creeper cake and invite your best buds over! Or maybe have a viewing party in your school classroom? You could brew up some spider eyes for teacher! Yum! We've included all sorts of party preparation tips in the video at the top of this article to help you get inspired!
If you are going to host your own event, let us know! Click here to register your MINECON Earth party. Registering enters you into a prize draw to win one of twenty MINECON Earth party kits!
What could these possibly contain? Take a look at this MINECON Earth party kit unboxing video and then register for a chance to win one!
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