We spend a lot of time considering grand builds here on minecraft.net that we sometimes neglect what surrounds them. But before the first brickblock of a build can be placed, you need somewhere to put it - and why not make that environment as majestic and wondrous as anything in nature, every bit as well-considered as the buildings it encloses?
DarthEngima has been doing just this, creating vast, sprawling landscapes inspired by the best European scenery. His Black Forest map (rendered by Zitzabis above) is the ideal setting for medieval construction - inspired by the ancient woods of Germany, and their historic reputation for beauty and danger. A newer project, Arc of Nisyros built for his home server, goes for a more mediterranean feel - baking coastlines, volcanic climes and rolling wine country. Both make use of the Conquest Reforged mod - a toolkit which alters and expands the number of blocks to produce a more naturalistic feel to the landscapes.
“I wanted some terrain upon which I could build some sort of medieval structure,” says DarthEnigma. “Perhaps a church, monastery, or village. Many such structures in real life are in Germany, so I decided to make a German landscape. The Black Forest is an internationally known area, so I chose it as a representative, relatively pristine German landscape. The forest is historically significant for glass-making, clock-making, architecture, forestry, and chocolate cherry cake. It is the archetypal European forest or ‘deep, dark woods,’ and was only cut and settled in the past few centuries.”
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