- Aquifers below height 0 will sometimes be lava aquifers instead of water aquifers
- Ore veins can now spawn underground
Ore veins
- Ore veins are large, rare, snake-like underground ore formations
- Copper veins form above height 0 and are mixed with granite
- Iron veins form below height 0 and are mixed with tuff
Technical Changes in 21w16a
- Users who previously permanently declined server resource packs will now still be shown the pack prompt if the pack is mandatory (instead of being immediately disconnected)
- The statistic for play time has been renamed to play_time
- There is now a statistic for “Time with World Open” (total_world_time) that also includes the time when the game was paused
Fixed bugs in 21w16a
- MC-29522 - stat.playOneMinute adds a value of 1 every tick
- MC-55775 - Statistics screen sometimes doesn’t show up to date information
- MC-111534 - The firework rocket use statistic doesn’t count rockets used for elytra boosting
- MC-117653 - Recipes and advancements are not granted while most GUIs are open
- MC-136560 - minecraft.used:minecraft.elytra not functioning
- MC-136681 - Debug Stick use statistic increases when not allowed to use it
- MC-157116 - Food that is plantable counts towards using when right clicked on the ground
- MC-190128 - Using a flint and steel to ingite TNT is not tracked by the in-game stats
- MC-203637 - Mobs don’t avoid lava cauldrons when pathfinding despite of setting themselves on fire
- MC-205236 - Frozen State doesn’t go away after respawn when on a server
- MC-208598 - Baby axolotls take damage when touching a solid block from below / eye height is outside of their hitbox
- MC-212113 - Glow Lichen can spawn underwater whilst not in a cave.
- MC-212863 - Glow lichen use the same color as vines on maps
- MC-213927 - Using bone meal on a sapling that is on a moss block consumes bone meal, but doesn’t grow into a tree
- MC-213998 - root_vines_head is unused in-game files
- MC-214129 - Several dirt blocks are not part of the #minecraft:lush_plants_replaceable tag
- MC-214293 - Mobs can spawn on top of azaleas
- MC-215270 - Moss requires air above a replaceable block to spread
- MC-216787 - Cobwebs in mineshafts can generate as if supported by chains
- MC-217411 - Anvils can become damaged when only falling one block
- MC-218590 - Error message for commands.give.failed.toomanyitems doesn’t translate item name
- MC-218592 - Azalea trees can generate inside of lakes (even completely submerged in water)
- MC-218614 - Inconsistency: Infested Deepslate can’t be placed along axis
- MC-218637 - Inconsistency: Infested deepslate is not rotated randomly like normal deepslate
- MC-219155 - Cast fishing line is disconnected from the rod
- MC-219211 - Two mysterious white pixels can be seen in the upper left corner of the recipe book icon
- MC-219851 - Applying bone meal to a waterlogged big dripleaf stem creates more waterlogged big dripleaf stems
- MC-219903 - Silverfish infesting deepslate cause it to rotate
- MC-220024 - Shader compilation slows or fails the more asterisks are in a multiline comment
- MC-220307 - TrueType Font glyphs render incorrectly
- MC-220641 - Loyalty tridents disappear when your inventory is full
- MC-220887 - Shader includes fail to compile correctly when missing newline at end of file
- MC-221560 - Copper/Coal Ore in Deepslate Patches aren’t Deepslate Ores
- MC-221628 - Entities don’t stop glowing after losing the glowing effect
- MC-221652 - Teleport command to player does not work as in previous versions
- MC-221655 - Glow Squids and Axolotls Spawn in Monuments
- MC-222004 - Grass block isn’t apart of the #dirt block tag
- MC-222517 - A large amount of slime or honey blocks will crash the game
- MC-222684 - You cannot grow azalea trees by bonemealing Azalea plants
- MC-222778 - minecraft.used:minecraft.candle doesn’t increase when placing a candle on a cake
- MC-223260 - Emerald ore does not generate as intended
- MC-223553 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glow_ink_sac doesn’t increase when applying a glow ink sac to a sign
- MC-223554 - minecraft.used:minecraft.ink_sac doesn’t increase when applying an ink sac to a sign
- MC-223555 - minecraft.used:minecraft.COLOR_dye doesn’t increase when applying a dye to a sign
- MC-223557 - minecraft.used:minecraft.bucket doesn’t increase when taking powder snow, lava, or water from a cauldron using a bucket
- MC-223558 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glass_bottle doesn’t increase when taking water from a cauldron using a glass bottle
- MC-223563 - minecraft.used:minecraft.glass_bottle doesn’t increase when collecting honey from a beehive or bee nest
- MC-223638 - minecraft.used:minecraft.shears doesn’t increase when carving a pumpkin
- MC-223639 - minecraft.used:minecraft.shears doesn’t increase when collecting honeycombs from a beehive or bee nest
- MC-223756 - minecraft.used:minecraft.powder_snow_bucket doesn’t increase when filling a cauldron with a powder snow bucket
- MC-223757 - minecraft.used:minecraft.lava_bucket doesn’t increase when filling a cauldron with a lava bucket
Get the snapshot
Snapshots are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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