In this week's snapshot we have a big pile of bugfixes. But honestly, why would you play this when the greatest game of all time was rediscovered just this very week?
- Fixed a few bugs
- Some performance improvements
- MC-138245 - Mossy Stone Brick can still be used in Stone Brick Stairs/Slab recipe
- MC-139717 - Game hangs while trying to load chunks
- MC-139878 - Game hangup while saving world
- MC-140346 - Jungle bushes no longer generate on jungle floor
- MC-140529 - Suspicious stew from dandelion or blue orchid give a lasting instant effect
- MC-141100 - Entities clip through blocks in superflat worlds
- MC-142650 - Mobs entering a composter never leave the composter
- MC-142685 - Green item frame map markers are not removed in all cases
- MC-142696 - Shift clicking result of cartography table deletes held item
- MC-143578 - Firework disappears when launched under block
- MC-144560 - When in new chunks when you fall into the ground (normal) instead of popping up to the surface you stay where you fell (in the ground)
- MC-144579 - Villages generate one block too high with superflat "Snowy Kingdom" world generator
- MC-144647 - Flying with elytra in water or turning certain angles in air makes legs move fast
- MC-145201 - Small slime hitbox is incorrect
- MC-145317 - Lighting on magma blocks behaves weirdly - darkens the area around them
- MC-145654 - "Decapitated" baby polar bear
- MC-145693 - F5 camera freezes when the player model looks straight up and down
- MC-145804 - The enderman plays teleport sounds while stuck inside the boat
- MC-145970 - Crossbow loads firework rockets from inventory and hotbar
- MC-145974 - Firework rockets shot from players don't have the correct velocity
- MC-145975 - Crash whilst rendering screen: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
- MC-146156 - Cannot access scrollable button menus (such as video settings) using the keyboard only
- MC-146169 - Villagers teleport out of minecarts when beds are in reach
- MC-146811 - Enderman AI causing HIGH ms tick lag
- MC-146890 - In video settings, click left buttons will select the right buttons
- MC-147062 - Scrollbar in controls menu doesn't work
- MC-147184 - Unable to close anvil using inventory key without clicking away
- MC-147264 - While riding certain entities, player appears swimming.
- MC-147266 - Intersecting solid blocks under certain circumstances causes the player to start crawling
- MC-147290 - In creative, can't use sneak + jump to place blocks adjacent to any block that is clickable
- Cats can now spawn naturally in villages and not just upon world generation
- Knock knock. Who's there? Not a pillager because they can no longer open doors...
- Lots of bug fixes!
- MC-2518 - No -breaking sound or- particle effect for some tools and all armor
- MC-10369 - Server side particle spawning does not create particles for client
- MC-66206 - Beacon color change delayed if the beam passes through water, cobweb, leaves
- MC-90594 - Player can stop sneaking/gliding without space to stand up
- MC-113898 - Water below lily pads is replaced by wooden planks village paths
- MC-121105 - Beacon beam color update is slow when too far away from the beacon block
- MC-121148 - Polar bears are required in "Monster hunter" advancement, but are not completely hostile
- MC-125774 - The player keeps its 1 block height of swimming animation when going out of water
- MC-127238 - Beacon colors don't update as frequently anymore
- MC-129863 - "Crawling" underneath glass/grass paths/other transparent blocks causes bugs
- MC-131116 - Re-entering water while in a crawling state can cause the player to visually stand up
- MC-133042 - Block of grass that grew from dirt under snow is not snowy
- MC-137595 - Podzol generates below other blocks
- MC-137734 - Bamboo can generate on melon
- MC-138751 - "Fullscreen Resolution" setting cannot be adjusted
- MC-138795 - Tamed cats with CatType:0 become wild ocelots upon upgrading to 1.14 snapshots
- MC-139427 - Glass appears dark next to full blocks
- MC-139429 - The 'b' in "Jigsaw block" is lowercase
- MC-139478 - Buffet Floating Islands worlds generate dirt instead of grass
- MC-139706 - Pillager-Outposts doesn't spawn in Superflat-Worlds
- MC-139756 - Village has a pillager outpost
- MC-139841 - Using /locate to find pillager outposts in a superflat world freezes the game
- MC-140307 - Curses on the second item are lost when repairing in a grindstone
- MC-140331 - New village structures can overlap each other
- MC-140355 - Vex attacks Witch
- MC-141986 - Stronghold can generate above surface
- MC-142256 - Lighting/worldgenerator issue: black patches and dark spots appearing in the world
- MC-142692 - World loading progress becomes black after 100%
- MC-142735 - Incorrect/Different '/data modify' behavior
- MC-143092 - "Left click" or "Q" in a recipe of slab in an stonecutter results in loss of items
- MC-143131 - Soul sand doesn't conduct redstone
- MC-143280 - Stonecutter result slot doesn't allow fast clicks
- MC-143403 - Items can glitch through solid blocks
- MC-144314 - Fox hitbox is shifted
- MC-144537 - Loading screen appears while changing mipmap levels
- MC-144610 - Spawn chunks are lazy chunks
- MC-144678 - Entities don't interact with the world far from the player
- MC-144685 - Ender dragon will shoot at players in creative
- MC-145002 - When trying to join a world, the loading screen gets stuck at 100%
- MC-145262 - Entities get stuck in the void when render distance is below 12
- MC-145438 - Arrows and tridents spawned with /summon in a world spawn point too far from (0,0) causes game performance to plummet
- MC-145675 - Ringing bell doesn't render hand swing animation
- MC-145686 - java.util.NoSuchElementException ticking entity crash when a workstation is destroyed immediately after a villager within a 1-block radius has taken the job matching the workstation
- MC-145705 - Placing a block next to a bell causes the block to appear then instantly disappear
- MC-145716 - Pillager outpost watchtower fails to generate
- MC-145737 - Clicking bell with non-placable item carried play twice sound
- MC-145772 - Large amount of free work sites can cause lag when introducing new villagers
- MC-145798 - Pressing space/enter in book and quill changes page
- MC-145862 - Villagers try to sleep in occupied beds
- MC-145890 - Tab overrides command block suggestions while turned off
- MC-145971 - Chat message text box can be unfocused
- MC-146067 - You can trade with sleeping villagers
- MC-146168 - Pressing enter in the name or seed field on the create world dialog no longer creates the world
- MC-146215 - Error executing task on Client: Playing level event
- MC-146225 - Lava buckets empty with no effect when placed on ladders
- MC-146248 - Cut Sandstone & Cut Red Sandstone cannot be shift-clicked on the stonecutter
- MC-146254 - Loom bottom uses loom top texture
- MC-146272 - Double screen bounce with new sneak/crouch changes
- MC-146288 - Mobs bodies rotate almost instantly to the direction they're looking
- MC-146293 - Some planks in village bridges appear one block too high
- MC-146297 - Sounds can be heard very far away
- MC-146316 - Ender dragon disappears after being spawned with /summon
- MC-146331 - Mobs heads can't turn left/right while they're moving
- MC-146332 - Player can stop sneaking while standing in a 1.5 blocks tall space
- MC-146519 - Game freezes while villager looks for point of interest over void
- MC-146520 - Player can't move a minecart in any direction except forward
- MC-146521 - Villagers move while trading
- MC-146614 - Oak saplings can appear in chests in savanna villages
- MC-146776 - Typo in Difficulty lock (Difficulity lock)
- MC-146784 - When you right click on the bell with a snow in the hand the block of grass turns white without snow on top
- MC-146789 - Grass turns to dirt when there is snow above it
- MC-146792 - Vindicators and ravagers don't attack players, villagers and iron golems during raids
- MC-146804 - Not able to right click for more options in crafting menu
- MC-146810 - Villagers stay in houses forever when I ring the bell
- MC-146840 - When signing a book and quill, the next arrow button is visible
- MC-146863 - Shakespearean English's name occludes its own selection box
- MC-146876 - Vindicators display wooden axes when they spawn in raids
- MC-146927 - Cannot place a bell when aiming at the side of a block it cannot be placed on
- MC-146932 - Pillagers, ravagers and vindicators on raids ignore players
- MC-147003 - Villager's don't randomly look at other mobs anymore
- MC-147041 - Fletcher dropping uncraftable tipped arrows for gift (hero of the village loot table)
- MC-147060 - Client freezes if a nearby player swims in water while flying with elytra
- MC-147061 - Kelp gets destroyed all at the same time when the bottom block is broken, unlike sugar cane, bamboo, and cactus
- MC-147152 - Invalid move player packet received / teleporting player to NaN crashes worldsave
To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Launch Options" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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