Technical Changes
- The Data Pack version is now 26
- The Resource Pack version is now 22
- A few minor changes to chat component serialization
- The name of non-living entities will now be shown if targeted and a CustomName is set, or always displayed if CustomNameVisible is set, similar to living entities
- Changes to downloaded/world resource pack handling
Chat Components
- Plain-text chat components (text, no sibilings, no stylings) are now always serialized as strings instead of {"text': "blah"}
- Chat components now serialize to NBT when sent over network
- Chat components now have an optional type value (allowed values: text, translatable, score, nbt, keybind, selector) to speed up parsing and improve error checking
- Similarily, components of type nbt now have a source field with allowed values entity, block, storage
- The id field in show_entity hoverEvent style now also accepts UUIDs as an array of 4 ints
- Numeric and boolean arguments for translate components are no longer converted to strings
- The following JSON component representations are no longer accepted:
- Errors in the following style fields are no longer silently ignored:
- color
- clickEvent
- hoverEvent
- hoverEvent[action=show_entity]
- hoverEvent[action=show_item].contents.tag
World Resource Packs
Changes have been made to world resource packs (, Realms resource packs and resource packs controlled by dedicated servers.
User Interface
- The download screen has been replaced with a toast
- World resource pack application now starts together with chunk loading
Local Storage
Downloaded packs are now stored in the downloads directory (with a different file organization than the old server-resource-packs)
- Only up to 20 files are cached
- Inside this directory there is also log file (log.json) that stores information about downloaded files for debug purposes
Server Config
Downloaded packs now have a unique id (GUID/UUID) that can be used to differentiate them
- For dedicated server packs, this value can be configured with the resource-pack-id option in
- If the value is missing, it will be generated based on the pack URL
- If the hash of a pack is not set, this pack will be redownloaded before every application
- Previously, if the hash was missing, the latest downloaded version of pack was applied
Some additional options have been added for 3rd-party servers software:
- The client can now accept multiple server resource packs
- A new packet was added to un-apply server resource packs
- The client now sends additional updates about packs (like download success)
- Resource packs are no longer cleaned when entering configuration phase
Data Pack Version 19
- Added can_breathe_under_water entity type tag which disables drowning
- Added can_break_armor_stand damage type tag for damage types that can incrementally knock down armor stands
Data Pack Version 20
- Changed function command results
- Adjusted check for gamerule maxCommandChainLength
- Added new gamerule maxCommandForkCount
- Reintroduced form of the execute command: execute if function
- Reintroduced form of the return command: return run
- Decorated Pots with the cracked state set to true will always shatter when broken
- Added new dust_plume particle type
(See further changes in Pack Version 23)
- The function command has been changed to better accomodate new return command
- Functions no longer have any result unless they use return or there was error during lookup or instantiation
- That means the function command will no longer return (or even display) the number of commands run during execution
- Error conditions:
- Calling a non-existent function
- Calling an empty function tag
- Macro instantiation failures
- "Result" in this context means values that would be stored with execute store
- The previous behavior where every command in a function would perform a store if a function was called with execute store ... run function has been removed
- A single call to function will now store at most once (zero times if return was not called)
- For function tags with multiple entries, function results will be accumulated, but partial results will be stored at the end of every function
Existing limits for functions have been refined to accomodate new execution rules and prevent wider range of exploits:
- Limits now apply even for commands run from the server console or chat input (so it will now always behave as if they were placed in a function)
- For example, all functions called by execute as @e run function will count towards the same limit
- Executions from command blocks still count as separate ones
- The maxCommandChainLength limit for functions will now count "operations" like:
- execution of command for a single context
- execution of a stage in execute (no matter how many contexts were modified)
- invocation of function
- A new limit with game rule called maxCommandForkCount now restricts the total amount of contexts that can be created by single state of functions like execute
- For example: if there are 5 entities in world, execute as @e creates 5 contexts, while execute as @e at @e creates 5*5 = 25 contexts
execute if function
An execute sub-command that runs a function or function tag and matches the return value(s).This is a reintroduction of functionality removed in a previous version.If a tag is given, all functions run regardless of the results of prior functions.
Syntax:execute if|unless function <function> <continuation>
- function: The function or tag to run
The matching of the result value of the function(s) that run:
- At least one of the functions must succeed for the match to succeed
- A succeessful call is defined as a function that:
- Uses the return command to return a value
- The return value is not 0
- If no functions exited with return, neither if or unless will run
return run
A form of the return command is now available, return run.This is a reintroduction of functionality removed in a previous version.
Syntax:return run <command>
This takes the result value from running the specified command and returns that as the return value of the function.
- If the command did not return any value (like, for example, a call to a function without return), return will not execute and function will continue execution (changed in Data Pack Version 23)
- If the given command fails, the return value is 0
- In all other aspects, it works like return with a specified return value
- In case of a fork (for example return run execute as @e run some_command), the first execution of the command will return
- If there are no executions (for example in return run execute if entity @e[something_impossible] run some_command), the function will not return and will continue execution (changed in Data Pack Version 23)
Data Pack Version 21
- Introduced Jigsaw structure pool aliases, which can be used to rewire pool selection
- Added field block_state to tnt entity to allow replacement of rendered block model
- Renamed field Fuse to fuse on tnt entity
- Added playersNetherPortalDefaultDelay and playersNetherPortalCreativeDelay game rules to control time (in ticks) that a player needs to stand in a Nether portal before changing dimensions
- Added new game rule projectilesCanBreakBlocks to control whether impact projectiles will destroy blocks that are destructible by them, i.e. Chorus Flowers, Pointed Dripstone and Decorated Pots
- Added white_smoke particle type
Jigsaw Pool Aliases
- Added optional pool_aliases list to Jigsaw structures
- Aliases represent the possibility to rewire Jigsaw pool connections by redirecting pool references on individual structure instances
- Alias variants are represented in type and is one of:
- direct 1:1 mapping from an alias to a new pool
- alias pool to replace
- target pool to replace with
- random 1:n mapping where a pool from n is randomly selected for the structure instance
- alias pool to replace
- targets randomized list of candidate pools to replace alias with
- random_group
- groups each group is a randomized list of above alias types
- only one group is selected per structure instance
- this enables modelling selections such as "if pool X is replaced with X1, also replace pool Y with Y1"
Data Pack Version 22
- Added tick command
- Added two new input fields for Selection Priority and Placement Priority in the Jigsaw block edit screen
- Added item to minecraft:arrow and minecraft:spectral_arrow, this is the item that will be picked up
- Renamed Trident to item in minecraft:trident
tick Command
Added a new tick command. This is an adminstative and debugging command that allowscontrol of the ticking flow and measuring the performance of the game.The command requires elevated permissions (admins and above) and so it is not by default available in command blocks and datapacks.
tick query - outputs the current target ticking rate, with information about the tick times performance.
tick rate <rate> - sets a custom target ticking rate to the specified value. The value must be greater than 1.0and lower than 10000.0. Setting a very low tick rate can cause the game to feel unresponsive andsetting too high tick rate for your system can causethe game to crash as the game now assumes it is constantly falling behind the ticking target. Please use tick queryor <F3> + 2 (Integrated server only) debug screen to measure the performance of the game and adjust the tick rate accordingly.Setting a tick target lower than the default 20.0 will also cause the players to be simulatedat a lower rate (including player movement and input controls), whilesetting a higher tick rate will cause the players to be simulated at the default rate of 20 ticks per second to maintainthe expected responsiveness of the game, but can cause artifacts in entities interpolation.
tick freeze - freezes all gameplay elements, except for players and any entity a player is riding.This is useful for debugging and isolating issues with the game allowing the player to move around freely and inspect the world.
tick step [<time>] - Only works when the game is frozen. It runs the game for the specified number of ticks and then freezes the game again.This allows to step through the game a set amount of ticks at a time. If no time is given, steps 1 tick.
tick step stop - stops the current stepping process, and re-freezes the game.
tick unfreeze - unfreezes the game and resumes all gameplay elements.
tick sprint <time> - runs the game while ignoring the set ticking target rate (meaning that the game will runas fast as possible) for the specified number of ticks. At the end of the sprint, the game will resumethe previous ticking target and display performance information about the tick times while sprinting. Thisis especially useful for testing gameplay elements that are time-dependent, such as Redstone contraptions,or mob behaviour in isolated environments that allow for much faster simulation.
tick sprint stop - stops the current tick sprint, and resumes the previous ticking target.
Jigsaw Selection & Placement Priority
- Selection Priority
- When the parent piece is being processed for connections, this controls the order in which this Jigsaw block attempts to connect to its target piece
- Jigsaws will be processed in descending priority order and randomly within the same priority
- Placement Priority
- When this Jigsaw block connects to a piece, this is the order in which that piece is processed for connections in the wider structure
- Pieces will be processed in descending priority order with the default insertion order breaking ties within the same priority
- This functionality has been added to support the ability for Jigsaw structures to generate branches in a depth-first order, as well as give finer control over ordering of connections
- All existing Jigsaw blocks will default their Selection and Placement Priority to 0, resulting in the same behaviour as before these two configurable values were introduced
Data Pack Version 23
- Decorated Pots can now utilize loot tables and will read from the LootTable tag key
- Additional changes to command functions
- return run will now always return
- If there are no valid results from the returned command, the function containing the return run will fail (i.e. success=0 and result=0)
- return run will now propagate the success value together with the results value (previously it always set success to 1)
- return run now also allows storing values - that means execute store ... run return run some_command will both store the value and return it outside the function
- A new subcommand return fail has been added to make the whole function fail (i.e. return success=0 and result=0)
- If function <function tag> runs multiple functions in combination with return run, execution will stop after first return in any of the functions
- A single call to the function command will always return when run with return run
- For example, return run execute [split context] run function <some function with conditional return> will always return after processing the first context
execute if|unless function
- execute if|unless function no longer always fails if none of the functions had a return
- If there were no returns in called functions, if will fail and unless will pass
- The first return in any of called functions will return (for a single context)
Data Pack Version 24
- Increased maximum value of Jigsaw structure variable size from 7 to 20
Data Pack Version 25
- Added individual display names for scoreboard entries
- Scoreboard sidebar will now render even when if there are no scores in selected objective
Display Names
Each entry in a scoreboard can now have a custom display name.
- These values are kept separate per objective and score holder
- If the name is not present, the score holder name is used (i.e. the old behavior)
- If the score is reset or the whole objective is removed, the name is not preserved
- Team decorations will still be applied to names as normal
- Subcommands for managing names:
- scoreboard players display name <targets> <objective> <text component> - set display name
- scoreboard players display name <targets> <objective> - clear display name
Display Name Auto-Update
To make display name management easier, objectives can also be configured to auto-update display names on every score update.
- This option is disabled by default
- If a score holder has no display name (because it can't be attributed to any currently loaded entity), the current name is preserved
- Command to control auto-update for objective:
- scoreboard objectives modify <scoreboard> displayautoupdate [true|false]
Number Formatting
Scores in numeric form can now be formatted.
- Formats can be set for both objectives and individual scores
- Scores with set formats will render the same in all context (sidebar, under player name, etc.)
- Subcommands for managing formats:
- scoreboard objectives modify <objective> numberformat <format> - set the default format for an objective
- scoreboard objectives modify <objective> numberformat - clear the default format for an objective
- scoreboard players display numberformat <targets> <score> <format> - set the format for a specific score holder
- scoreboard players display numberformat <targets> <score> - clear the format for a specific score holder
- Formats:
- styled <style> - the score will be displayed with selected style (like {"bold":true})
- fixed <text component> - the score will be replaced with the text component
- blank - the score will not be displayed
Data Pack Version 26
- Renamed minecraft:grass block and item to minecraft:short_grass
Resource Pack Version 19
- Added block model, item model and block state definitions for crafter
- Added GUI container texture and sprites for crafter
- Added white_smoke particle definition
Resource Pack Version 20
- bat.png has been updated for the new Bat model with new texture mapping
- Added block models, items models and block state definitions for the following blocks:
- chiseled_copper, exposed_chiseled_copper, weathered_chiseled_copper, oxidized_chiseled_copper
- copper_grate, expxosed_copper_grate, weathered_copper_grate, oxidized_copper_grate
- copper_bulb, exposed_copper_bulb, weathered_copper_bulb, oxidized_copper_bulb
- copper_door, exposed_copper_door, weathered_copper_door, oxidized_copper_door
- copper_trapdoor, exposed_copper_trapdoor, weathered_copper_trapdoor, oxidized_copper_trapdoor
- tuff_stairs
- tuff_slab
- tuff_wall
- chiseled_tuff
- polished_tuff
- polished_tuff_stairs
- polished_tuff_slab
- polished_tuff_wall
- tuff_bricks
- tuff_brick_stairs
- tuff_brick_slab
- tuff_brick_wall
- chiseled_tuff_bricks
- Added unique sprites for the following blocks:
- chiseled_copper, exposed_chiseled_copper, weathered_chiseled_copper, oxidized_chiseled_copper
- copper_grate, expxosed_copper_grate, weathered_copper_grate, oxidized_copper_grate
- copper_bulb, exposed_copper_bulb, weathered_copper_bulb, oxidized_copper_bulb
- copper_door, exposed_copper_door, weathered_copper_door, oxidized_copper_door
- copper_trapdoor, exposed_copper_trapdoor, weathered_copper_trapdoor, oxidized_copper_trapdoor
- chiseled_tuff
- polished_tuff
- tuff_bricks
- chiseled_tuff_bricks
Resource Pack Version 21
- The uniform font has been updated to use Unifont 15.1.04 (from 15.0.06)
- The only supported texture format is now .png
Breeze Mob
- Added entity models and textures for experimental Breeze mob:
- Added shader:
Resource Pack Version 22
- Renamed minecraft:grass block and item to minecraft:short_grass
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