Bedrock ID |
Bedrock Name |
Destroy Time |
Explosion Resistance |
activator_rail |
Activator Rail |
0.5 → 0.7 |
0.5 → 0.7 |
ancient_debris |
Ancient Debris |
720 → 1200 |
andesite_stairs |
Andesite Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
bamboo |
Bamboo |
2 → 1 |
2 → 1 |
bamboo_block |
Block of Bamboo |
3 → 2 |
bamboo_sapling |
Bamboo Shoot |
0 → 1 |
0 → 1 |
bee_nest |
Bee Nest |
2.7 → 0.3 |
beehive |
Beehive |
5.4 → 0.6 |
bell |
Bell |
1 → 5 |
3 → 5 |
big_dripleaf |
Big Dripleaf |
0 → 0.1 |
0 → 0.1 |
campfire |
Campfire |
5 → 2 |
5 → 2 |
chain |
Chain |
3 → 6 |
chiseled_deepslate |
Chiseled Deepslate |
3.6 → 6 |
cobbled_deepslate |
Cobbled Deepslate |
3.6 → 6 |
cobbled_deepslate_double_slab |
Cobbled Deepslate Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
cobbled_deepslate_slab |
Cobbled Deepslate Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
cobbled_deepslate_stairs |
Cobbled Deepslate Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
cobbled_deepslate_wall |
Cobbled Deepslate Wall |
3.6 → 6 |
composter |
Composter |
2 → 0.6 |
2 → 0.6 |
copper_block |
Block of Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
copper_ore |
Copper Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
coral_block |
Coral Block (10 blocks) |
7 → 1.5 |
0.9 → 6 |
coral_fan |
Coral Fan (5 blocks) |
0.9 → 0 |
coral_fan_dead |
Dead Coral Fan (5 blocks) |
0.9 → 0 |
coral_fan_hang |
Coral Wall Fan (2 blocks) |
0.9 → 0 |
coral_fan_hang2 |
Coral Wall Fan (2 blocks) |
0.9 → 0 |
coral_fan_hang3 |
Coral Wall Fan (1 block) |
0.9 → 0 |
cracked_deepslate_bricks |
Cracked Deepslate Bricks |
3.6 → 6 |
cracked_deepslate_tiles |
Cracked Deepslate Tiles |
3.6 → 6 |
crimson_hyphae |
Crimson Hyphae |
0.3 → 2 |
0.3 → 2 |
crimson_stem |
Crimson Stem |
0.3 → 2 |
cut_copper |
Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
cut_copper_slab |
Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
cut_copper_stairs |
Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate |
Deepslate |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_brick_double_slab |
Deepslate Brick Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_brick_slab |
Deepslate Brick Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_brick_stairs |
Deepslate Brick Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_brick_wall |
Deepslate Brick Wall |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_bricks |
Deepslate Bricks |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_coal_ore |
Deepslate Coal Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_copper_ore |
Deepslate Copper Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_diamond_ore |
Deepslate Diamond Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_gold_ore |
Deepslate Gold Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_iron_ore |
Deepslate Iron Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_lapis_ore |
Deepslate Lapis Lazuli Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_redstone_ore |
Deepslate Redstone Ore |
1.8 → 3 |
deepslate_tile_double_slab |
Deepslate Tile Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_tile_slab |
Deepslate Tile Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_tile_stairs |
Deepslate Tile Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_tile_wall |
Deepslate Tile Wall |
3.6 → 6 |
deepslate_tiles |
Deepslate Tiles |
3.6 → 6 |
diorite_stairs |
Diorite Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
double_cut_copper_slab |
Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
dragon_egg |
Dragon Egg |
3 → 9 |
dried_kelp_block |
Dried Kelp Block |
0.5 → 2.5 |
end_brick_stairs |
End Stone Brick Stairs |
2 → 3 |
6 → 9 |
end_bricks |
End Stone Bricks |
0.8 → 3 |
0.8 → 9 |
exposed_cut_copper_slab |
Exposed Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
exposed_copper |
Exposed Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
exposed_cut_copper |
Exposed Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
exposed_cut_copper_stairs |
Exposed Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
exposed_double_cut_copper_slab |
Exposed Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
granite_stairs |
Granite Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
infested_deepslate |
Infested Deepslate |
1.8 → 0.75 |
jukebox |
Jukebox |
0.8 → 2 |
0.8 → 6 |
lantern |
Lantern |
5 → 3.5 |
5 → 3.5 |
lectern |
Lectern |
2 → 2.5 |
2 → 2.5 |
light_block |
Light Block |
3600000 → 3600000.8 |
light_gray_candle |
Light Gray Candle |
0 → 0.1 |
0 → 0.1 |
lightning_rod |
Lightning Rod |
3.6 → 6 |
lodestone |
Lodestone |
2 → 3.5 |
2 → 3.5 |
magma |
Magma Block |
1.5 → 0.5 |
monster_egg |
Infested blocks (5 blocks, missing Infested Cobblestone) |
1.8 → 0.75 |
mossy_stone_brick_stairs |
Mossy Stone Brick Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
mud_bricks |
Mud Bricks |
2 → 1.5 |
2 → 3 |
mud_brick_slab |
Mud Brick Slab |
2 → 1.5 |
6 → 3 |
mud_brick_double_slab |
Mud Brick Slab (Double) |
2 → 1.5 |
6 → 3 |
mud_brick_stairs |
Mud Brick Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
6 → 3 |
mud_brick_wall |
Mud Brick Wall |
2 → 1.5 |
6 → 3 |
netherite_block |
Block of Netherite |
720 → 1200 |
oxidized_cut_copper |
Oxidized Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
oxidized_cut_copper_slab |
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
oxidized_cut_copper_stairs |
Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
oxidized_copper |
Oxidized Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
oxidized_double_cut_copper_slab |
Oxidized Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
piston |
Piston |
0.5 → 1.5 |
0.5 → 1.5 |
piston_arm_collision |
Piston Head (Normal) |
0.5 → 1.5 |
0.5 → 1.5 |
pointed_dripstone |
Pointed Dripstone |
1.8 → 3 |
polished_andesite_stairs |
Polished Andesite Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
polished_blackstone |
Polished Blackstone |
1.5 → 2 |
polished_blackstone_stairs |
Polished Blackstone Stairs |
1.5 → 2 |
polished_blackstone_wall |
Polished Blackstone Wall |
1.5 → 2 |
polished_deepslate |
Polished Deepslate |
3.6 → 6 |
polished_deepslate_double_slab |
Polished Deepslate Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
polished_deepslate_slab |
Polished Deepslate Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
polished_deepslate_stairs |
Polished Deepslate Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
polished_deepslate_wall |
Polished Deepslate Wall |
3.6 → 6 |
polished_diorite_stairs |
Polished Diorite Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
polished_granite_stairs |
Polished Granite Stairs |
2 → 1.5 |
reinforced_deepslate |
Reinforced Deepslate |
720 → 1200 |
respawn_anchor |
Respawn Anchor |
720 → 1200 |
scaffolding |
Scaffolding |
0.6 → 0 |
0.9 → 0 |
sculk |
Sculk |
0.6 → 0.2 |
0.6 → 0.2 |
sculk_catalyst |
Sculk Catalyst |
1.8 → 3 |
sculk_shrieker |
Sculk Shrieker |
1.8 → 3 |
shulker_box |
Shulker Box (16 blocks) |
2.5 → 2 |
2.5 → 2 |
smooth_quartz_stairs |
Smooth Quartz Stairs |
0.8 → 2 |
0.8 → 6 |
smooth_stone |
Smooth Stone |
1.5 → 2 |
sniffer_egg |
Sniffer Egg |
0.4 → 0.5 |
0.4 → 0.5 |
soul_campfire |
Soul Campfire |
5 → 2 |
5 → 2 |
soul_lantern |
Soul Lantern |
5 → 3.5 |
5 → 3.5 |
soul_soil |
Soul Soil |
1 → 0.5 |
1 → 0.5 |
sticky_piston |
Sticky Piston |
0.5 → 1.5 |
0.5 → 1.5 |
sticky_piston_arm_collision |
Piston Head (Sticky) |
0.5 → 1.5 |
0.5 → 1.5 |
stripped_bamboo_block |
Block of Stripped Bamboo |
3 → 2 |
stripped_crimson_hyphae |
Stripped Crimson Hyphae |
0.3 → 2 |
0.3 → 2 |
stripped_crimson_stem |
Stripped Crimson Stem |
0.3 → 2 |
stripped_warped_hyphae |
Stripped Warped Hyphae |
0.3 → 2 |
0.3 → 2 |
stripped_warped_stem |
Stripped Warped Stem |
0.3 → 2 |
sweet_berry_bush |
Sweet Berry Bush |
0.2 → 0 |
0.2 → 0 |
turtle_egg |
Turtle Egg |
0.4 → 0.5 |
0.4 → 0.5 |
undyed_shulker_box |
Shulker Box |
2.5 → 2 |
2.5 → 2 |
warped_hyphae |
Warped Hyphae |
0.3 → 2 |
0.3 → 2 |
warped_stem |
Warped Stem |
0.3 → 2 |
waxed_cut_copper |
Waxed Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_cut_copper_stairs |
Waxed Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_copper |
Waxed Block of Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_double_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_exposed_copper |
Waxed Exposed Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_exposed_cut_copper |
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs |
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_exposed_double_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Exposed Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_oxidized_copper |
Waxed Oxidized Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper |
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs |
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_oxidized_double_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_weathered_cut_copper |
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs |
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_weathered_copper |
Waxed Weathered Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
waxed_weathered_double_cut_copper_slab |
Waxed Weathered Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
weathered_copper |
Weathered Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
weathered_cut_copper |
Weathered Cut Copper |
3.6 → 6 |
weathered_cut_copper_slab |
Weathered Cut Copper Slab |
3.6 → 6 |
weathered_cut_copper_stairs |
Weathered Cut Copper Stairs |
3.6 → 6 |
weathered_double_cut_copper_slab |
Weathered Cut Copper Slab (Double) |
3.6 → 6 |
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