Do you remember when Minecraft used to be plain old scary? When witches cackled through the walls in your mining tunnels, mysterious ambient sounds would give you shivers, and phantoms terrorized you with screams from the sky? Aaah, those were the days!
Now, that was all before we decided that Minecraft shouldn’t be scary – but absolutely terrifying (at least a tiny little part of it). With the introduction of the warden in The Wild Update, players brave enough to explore deep dark biomes will soon be in for a whole new experience! “Hold your horse mobs, why in Jeb’s name would you make Minecraft scarier, and what is a 'warden' anyway?!” I hear some of you ask. Let’s address that!
“A warden is this unstoppable force of nature and a challenge that you must overcome in ways that you may not be used to in traditional Minecraft gameplay,” says Brandon “kingbdogz” Pearce, Vanilla gameplay developer. “It represents a new style of overwhelming obstacle, but if you’re able to outmanoeuvre it, you should be able to obtain some interesting rewards!”
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