All great things come in fives. Chocolate bars? Always better in fives. Axolotls? The more the merrier! Diamonds? That’s a whole helmet! Now let me tell you a secret. Today we’re marking a very special five: the start of the Marketplace 5 Year Celebration! That’s right, launched all the way back in 2017, the world of imagination that lies behind that sparkly Marketplace button is now turning five years old, and we’re throwing a five-week festival to celebrate!

Marketplace 5 Year Celebration
Five weeks of freebies, fun and more!
Join us between May 24 and July 12 as we time-travel through the archives and discover the much-loved adventure maps that sparked trends and brought furniture, cars, dragons, and more to your Overworld! We’ll speak to the inspiring creators behind the biggest Marketplace content and ask the hard questions, like: how far is the fall from a sky chunk? What could possibly go wrong on Dinosaur Island? And because it’s a celebration, there will be gifts! As well as being able to nab limited-time discounts on popular content from across the years, you’ll also be able to get your hands on freebies, kicking off today with a spectacular free adventure from Jigarbov Productions: Marketplace Creator Tycoon!
Marketplace Creator Tycoon
In Marketplace Creator Tycoon*, Jigarbov Productions invite you to become the next big Marketplace creator and craft five-star adventures for your audience. You’ll begin your new career as an awesome game developer by stepping into the Inspiration Zone and finding your first idea. Perhaps you want to make a skyblock map with an explosive twist? Or a parkour minigame that’ll test players’ agility? I’d probably make a map where you could test recoloring the concrete blocks of your base before you rebuild an entire castle in pink, but I digress! Once you’ve chosen your idea, you’ll have to think of ways to make it stand out. Perhaps you want to give it a medieval theme? Or turn it into a swash-buckling adventure by adding pirates?
When you’ve released your idea into the world you can sit back and watch as your newly released game begins to gather ratings. Will your cherished project be riddled with bugs? Or will it be a resounding success? Will you rake in enough money to start development on a new idea, or will you run yourself out of business? We asked Jigarbov if he had any secret recipes for success, and he said:
Jigarbov Productions“I’m so excited to release Marketplace Creator Tycoon. Since we started releasing content on Minecraft Marketplace, I’ve always wanted to show players what it feels like to do what we do. This includes the highs of massive successes and the lows of creating an offer that nobody likes (even after so much effort!) I think we have captured that really nicely and being able to release that for free for everyone to experience is just the best.”
Fingers crossed people love my concrete re-coloring idea then! Enlist your friends or play alone, just make sure to keep your audience happy because good reviews will boost your income, spark new ideas, and help you build your dream development team. As you gain more experience as a game developer, you’ll be able to expand your business, upgrade your set-up, and even and unlock more ideas, themes, and game designs in the inspiration zone!
Whew, what a way to kick off five weeks of the Marketplace 5 Year Celebration! Download Marketplace Creator Tycoon* here and don’t forget to tune in tomorrow as we travel back to 2017 to delve into a year of fan favorites. We’ll look at the first summer festival to grace the Overworld, find out what really happened on that Dinosaur Island, and share some awesome discounts with you. See you there!
*Marketplace Creator Tycoon requires the latest version of Minecraft: Bedrock Edition (sold separately). Free until 5/24/24; limit 1 per person.
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