Sean explains that one of the major reasons they chose not to use the Enderdragon model to base the Frostfall dragon on was because, to do so, they would end up replacing the Enderdragon with the Frostfall one. This is the case for creating any new Minecraft mob as part of an expansion or mod - Marketplace partners and add-on makers have to remove one mob before they can replace it with another. And Gamemode One didn’t want to replace an existing Minecraft feature as substantial as the Enderdragon.
(Plus the Enderdragon’s behaviours are mostly hardcoded and are very, very difficult to change - sorry about that.)
At first, the team thought the parrot mob would be a perfect sacrifice. In their original concept, the dragon had both flying and walking animations, something the Minecraft parrot has. However, as Sean explains, “a lot of its rotations [are] hardcoded.” Again, they’d hit a wall. “Our options boiled down to a stubby tail, a rooster-looking dragon or a hunchbacked one.”
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