“I started it when the 360 edition was released in May 2012,” says Smurf Masher. “I built in Survival Mode until Creative Mode came out which I jumped on immediately! I was very lucky to be featured on the Xbox Gamehub three years ago. Looking back now, my city was nothing amazing - however, being featured opened up the community to me and I began to meet amazing builders who were years beyond my level, and I befriended them, built with them, and learned from them. Some notable builders who have helped me over the years include The Dark of Mya, lH O lD O IR, LorD of GoDz - they did the dwarven statue - kiriC0uille, WafflyPum3736, and so many more.”
Even with expert assistance, it’s unusual to find builds of this grandeur that aren’t the result of a committed community effort. “I have never been in a build team,” says Smurf. “90% of my world was laid block by block, solo, on rainy Sundays. OK, most Sundays - even if the sun is shining!”
Smurf has clearly learnt a lot across the course of the build. One bit of wisdom Smurf imparts is to be aware of how a build evolves, from blocking out square houses with layered walls, through a detailing phase in which colours, slabs and steps are added, to a final remodelling phase in which straight lines are broken and large patches of uniform texture are muddled up, to make the build feel more organic.
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