Oh, come on. You're not fooling anyone. We know you didn't build your palace out of Nether Quartz because you think it looks good – you're just humblebragging that you've been to the Nether, mined the place rotten for Nether Quartz ore, and then got back alive. Alive and smug. Now we have to live next to your magnificent palace made of quartz in our hut made of dirt. Grumble grumble...
Ah, but not all of you are pathetic show-offs. Some of you use Nether Quartz to craft complex gizmos like redstone comparators and daylight sensors. We're big fans of the daylight sensor, seeing as it can sense when night falls and automatically close your doors, stopping mobs from getting in. Very handy if you're crafting in your basement and lose track of time!
In fact, real quartz is one of the Earth's most useful minerals. Some people even believe quartz has magical healing powers! But those idiots are wrong, so let's move on. A real property of quartz is that its crystals can vibrate at specific frequencies. So what? So everything! These frequencies are so specific that clever science-types can use quartz in something called a 'crystal oscillator', which keeps the vibrations of the crystal consistent, making them reliably keep time in quartz clocks and watches.
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