What's long, brown and impossible to pick up? No, I'm not talking about the BIGGEST STICK IN THE WORLD. The answer is actually our block of the week: Grass Path!
Grass paths were added to Minecraft in version 1.9 - the combat update - even though there's nothing especially combative about them. They're made by right-clicking a bit of grass with a spade, presumably whacking the top of the ground so it's easier to walk on. They're quite satisfying to make, in fact. TAKE THAT, GRASS! Okay, maybe they're a bit combative after all.
You'll know you've done it right because the grass will turn brown, and the block will lose its topmost layer, becoming a little recessed from the blocks around it. The shovel will also lose one durability. Grass paths do spawn naturally in the game - in villages with grass blocks on the ground. But they're also easy to destroy - if you put any solid block on top then they'll revert back to dirt.
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