What's your favourite biome to set up home in? Perhaps you like building a treehouse in a jungle, or a tent beside a cool oasis in a desert, or maybe even a spooOOoooky cabin in a roofed forest. Me? I like the plains biome - it has the perfect combination of plentiful resources, long sight-lines to spot approaching creepers, room to expand and maximum availability of our Block of the Week - grass!
Grass is probably Minecraft's most iconic block (suck it, Mycelium!) Along with cobblestone, it was one of the first two blocks in the game. Originally the grassy top texture was used on all sides, but it wasn't long until the block was given a side texture too, showing the dirt below. Grass blocks have changed a surprising amount throughout Minecraft's history, and today they're one of the most feature-packed blocks around. Let's go through everything you can do with them.
First, you can use them to spread more grass - just put dirt next to a grass block, and the grass will grow across after a while. Second, they spawn passive mobs. Third, sheep can eat them to regrow their wool. Fourth, you can use bonemeal on them to grow tall grass and flowers. Fifth, you can create grass paths by right-clicking grass with a shovel. Sixth, you can hoe them into farmland. Seventh, they get covered by snow when it snows in-game. Eighth, you can pick up a grass block with a silk-touch shovel. Ninth, if you jump on a grass block enough times, a Creeper will whisper the true meaning of life into your left ear. Phew, what a lot of useful things! And only one of them was an outright lie!
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