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    Duncan Geere
    Written By
    Duncan Geere

    Around the Block: Deep Dark

    Sculk around in the depths of the Overworld

    Mystery, curiosity, and history: these were the main keywords I had in mind when designing the visuals for the deep dark. We wanted the ancient cities to feel like it's made for a larger creature than a player – that's why some of the staircases and room shapes are a bit larger than normal and the City Center is a huge central piece. Instead of using stairs blocks everywhere, we created elevation with single blocks for example. It makes you feel very small! 

    The look and feel of the ancient cities were loosely inspired by Central American and South American ancient cities and temple aesthetics, with shapes that play around with the concept of sound and hearing, a core element of this biome's gameplay. As a South American myself, it was really enjoyable and inspiring to do this research and infuse it into the deep dark.


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