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A side-by side image showing the rewards you will receive for completing each of the five Lost Legends released so far.
Cristina Anderca
Cristina Anderca

Explore more stories with Lost Legends

A trove of free Minecraft Legends challenges awaits!

A screenshot from Lost Legends: Portal Pile showing piglins coming out of a Nether portal and a village in the background
A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Breakout showing a hero character attacking two piglin mace runts
A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Legend of the Llama showing a close up of a llama
A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Hunting Season showing the back of the Beast as they charge towards a village
A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Crucible showing the Great Hog inside the final chamber of the gauntlet, surrounded by piglins and the hero's allies mid-battle

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