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    A side-by side image showing the rewards you will receive for completing each of the five Lost Legends released so far.
    Cristina Anderca
    Escrito por
    Cristina Anderca

    Explore more stories with Lost Legends

    A trove of free Minecraft Legends challenges awaits!

    A screenshot from Lost Legends: Portal Pile showing piglins coming out of a Nether portal and a village in the background
    A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Breakout showing a hero character attacking two piglin mace runts
    A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Legend of the Llama showing a close up of a llama
    A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Hunting Season showing the back of the Beast as they charge towards a village
    A screenshot from Lost Legends: The Crucible showing the Great Hog inside the final chamber of the gauntlet, surrounded by piglins and the hero's allies mid-battle

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