Been trying to book tickets for a theme park in outer space? And now NASA won’t return your calls? Rude! Luckily, there’s an easier way to enjoy such a thing – by downloading Galaxy of Games by Imagiverse from the Minecraft Marketplace.
It’s a theme park where you don’t have to queue for any of the rides, which automatically makes it better than every other theme park in the world (no offence to any other theme parks reading this, but you know it’s true).
Also, you know that annoying thing in theme parks where you can get prizes and stuff in exchange for tickets? But tickets turn out to be rarer than unicorns and the whole thing feels like a scam? Well, Galaxy of Games gives you 100 tickets as soon as you start the game. Score!
Too bad we manage to blow all 100 within five seconds of playing. It’s not our fault! Ish! We just took an innocent little gander at the available prizes and one of them was a cow plush. How could we possibly leave that on the shelf?!
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