We are now releasing the second pre-release for Minecraft 1.19.4. This pre-release contains bug fixes, as well as an updated model for the decorated pot.
As a reminder, the pre-release cycle for 1.19.4 will continue to contain mostly bug fixes.
Happy mining!
Edit: We've now released 1.19.4 pre-release 3.
Changes in 1.19.4 Pre-release 3
- Potions have had their colors adjusted to make them more distinguishable from each other
Technical Changes in 1.19.4 Pre-release 3
- Pressing F3+S will now dump contents of dynamic textures (like atlases, maps, etc.) to screenshots/debug/
Experimental Feature Changes in 1.19.4 pre-release 3
Pottery Shards
- Updated the textures of the Archer Pottery Shard based on community feedback
Fixed bugs in 1.19.4 Pre-release 3
- MC-148458 - Ridable mobs aren’t knocked back upon death
- MC-250486 - Error saving GUI scale option when toggling fullscreen while fullscreen resolution is changed
- MC-258561 - Endermen teleport away instead of taking damage from end crystal, TNT and wither skull explosions
- MC-259666 - Reloading a resource pack that has a custom texture atlas for a second time causes severe FPS lag on the client
- MC-260277 - potted_cherry_sapling and potted_torchflower not part of #flower_pots block tag
- MC-260451 - Inventory character with semi-transparent outer skin layer not rendered correctly when looking right
- MC-260456 - Certain potions are still indistinguishable by color
- MC-260470 - Endermen can’t dodge arrows fired from a dispenser
- MC-260474 - Players and mobs are no longer affected by knockback upon death
- MC-260501 - Cannot delete previous snapshot world in launcher
- MC-260579 - Crash when a guardian deals damage to itself after removing thorns from avoids_guardian_thorns
- MC-260605 - Repeating command block summoning piglins/villagers causes memory usage to constantly increase
- MC-260627 - Dolphins with passengers either accelerate to ludicrous speed or are immobilized completely
Technical Changes in 1.19.4 pre-release 2
Mob Behavior
- Only mobs in the dismounts_underwater entity tag will now force the rider to dismount when underwater
Changes for Experimental Features in 1.19.4 pre-release 2
Cherry Biome and Wood Set
- Updated the texture for Pink Petals
- Updated textures for the Cherry Door, Cherry Sapling, and Cherry Boat with Chest
Decorated Pot
- Updated the neck of the Decorated Pot model
- With the former pot we decided to make the pot’s neck clip with blocks, so it would be extra flexible to build with
- However, this had some Z-fighting issues where 2 objects are in the same exact position and cause flickering
- This is prevented with the new and more complex block model
Fixed bugs in 1.19.4 Pre-release 2
- MC-137552 - Loaded crossbows look unloaded in item frames and when dropped on the ground
- MC-229293 - Casting issue: Broken blocks drop items in the wrong position at high distances
- MC-259208 - Zombie riding chicken or skeleton riding spider not considered controllers by /execute on controller command
- MC-259609 - Tooltips from selected buttons and sliders don’t disappear when expected
- MC-259831 - UI Buttons break certain resource packs as of 23w06a
- MC-259839 - Duplicated “minecraft:freeze” in damage_type tag “bypasses_armor”
- MC-259885 - Upon entering the credits screen while in F1 mode, the Minecraft: Java Edition logo does not display correctly
- MC-259961 - item_display does not take some nbt tags into account
- MC-259979 - Striders and blazes do not take five times the damage when using /damage with freeze type
- MC-260208 - Display entities in spawn chunks with interpolation_duration greater than 0 visually reset to default transformation on rejoin
- MC-260268 - Can’t scroll using arrows in “Telemetry Data Collection” screen
- MC-260324 - Cherry Boat with Chest item texture has a misplaced pixel
- MC-260335 - Clicking with an item that is out of stock in the villager trading menu with sufficient payment will allow purchase of the item regardless
- MC-260364 - Cherry Door inconsistent item texture
- MC-260427 - Button text is visible outside menus
- MC-260434 - There is no “Will be saved in…” text in the new world creation menu
- MC-260436 - Item Tags in 1.19.4-pre1 have extra entries
- MC-260438 - Items are not rendered in the bundle UI
- MC-260443 - Loading a snapshot 23w07a experimental world says it can be opened in “safe mode” and clicking “safe mode” does nothing
- MC-260445 - Player can climb up one block while riding a boat or raft
- MC-260461 - Water mobs cannot be ridden in water
Get the Pre-release
Pre-release are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Pre-release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the “Installations” tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.20 features, head over to the dedicated Feedback site category. You can also leave any other feedback on the Feedback site. If you’re feeling chatty, join us over at the official Minecraft Discord.