It’s winter here in Sweden: a time when folks huddle around the warm glow of a fire, drink a frankly peculiar concoction called glög and enjoy the fact that having only three hours of daylight is the perfect excuse to stay in and play videogames. It’s also a time to show friends how much you care about them - and that’s why for 12 days across the holiday season, we’re giving away fun Minecraft stuff to you, our wonderful players.
It’s not just us getting into the generous spirit - community creators like the mighty Noxcrew are also parcelling up Minecraft goodies for you. From December 21st, there’ll be one a day, free to you for 24 hours, available from the Minecraft Marketplace. Keep an eye on our Twitter for each piece’s release, or just boot up Marketplace itself.
Here's a fun legal disclaimer: Content exclusive through promotional period only. Limit: 1 free gift per account per 24-hour period from midnight Dec. 21, 2017 – Jan. 1, 2018 at 11:59pm. Requires Minecraft base game (sold separately).
What kind of stuff can you expect? Well, we won’t let you take a peek beneath the wrapping paper on all your gifts, but we can give you a glimpse of the snowbound delights that await in Noxcrew’s offering: Ready Sled Go!