Once upon a build, the Killer Bunny was a natural and terrifying feature of the Minecraft overworld. Identifiable by its red horizontal eyes, burning with hate, the Killer Bunny moves faster than normal rabbits and will set upon players and wolves dealing an impressive amount of damage. However, as of snapshot 14w34a, this vicious beast has been banished to a realm from which it can only be summoned using commands. But why?
For one thing, Jeb’s rule for making mobs is that the only ones that always attack on sight have to be monsters. For another, Jeb’s just heard about Killer Bunnies one too many times. The Killer Bunny is a reference to a scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, a movie from 1975, in which the Knights of the Round Table are unhappily slaughtered and humiliated by a fluffy white rodent.
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