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    Marsh Davies
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    Marsh Davies

    Story Mode Season 2 trailer!

    Plus a guide to the folks you’ll meet!

    Life has changed a lot for Jesse and the gang since the first season of Story Mode. They've got jobs, responsibilities... and there's just not as much time for adventuring these days. Life is still fun of fun and excitement but it's not quite the same as it used to be. Petra worries that they're in a rut, and often tries to convince the gang to join her on adventures like they used to. Jesse is trying to figure out her priorities, but it's about to get even more complicated…
    Eric Stirpe
    If you had asked me a few months ago, I would have said Stella but we've got some really great plans ahead for her so I don't want to do that... Maybe Nurm if it were a noble sacrifice? No, I like him too much, too... It would be very sad if anything happened to Radar, because he's adorable... Hm. I'm afraid I don't have an easy answer for this one.
    Eric Stirpe

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