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    The 1.21 Update has a name: Tricky Trials!
    Sophie Austin
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    Sophie Austin

    The 1.21 Update has a name

    Venture into Tricky Trials

    “Me, a close combat fighter? In Minecraft, apparently so. I could blame it on how satisfying rage-click karate chops are, but the truth is I never learned to use any other weapons. Luckily, that’s (hopefully) about to change. For the Tricky Trials Update, I’m upping my combat skills by heading into the trial chamber as the unofficial welcome committee for our two new mobs: the bogged and the breeze. Sure, they might be hostile, but we all have our quirks, don’t we? And I think they can teach me a trick to two. Like archery!

    I have my aim set on the bogged, the new skeletal mob equipped with poison arrows, which are deadly upon impact. Just like my dance moves! Speaking of moves, the breeze will quite literally sweep you off your feet with theirs. And that’s the iconic eyebrows aside! The breeze’s wind charge projectile attack even uses a gust of wind to send foes flying.  

    I can’t wait for the new update to be out, then these new weapons will be all mine and I can take over the Overworld, mwuahahaha! As long as I defeat these two mobs first, that is. And for that I have my trusty karate chop. Hy-ah!” 

    Linn Viberg

    “Being the thrill-seeker, the daredevil, the reckless lunatic that I am, I plan to challenge myself in 1.21 by taking on an ominous trial – all by myself! The thought of all the possible rewards I could reap from an ominous vault – should I be victorious – is keeping me awake at night. It must be mine! Sure, I had some minor setbacks where I died horribly a dozen of times (you can’t spell ‘perish’ without ‘Per’) in normal trial chambers in the snapshots. And sure, teaming up with people could make it easier, but I don’t have friends want to share all that glorious loot! I’m confident that the increase in difficulty will sharpen my senses and prepare me for whatever I might face.

    All I need to do is find a friendly neighborhood illager raid captain, get my hands on an ominous bottle, then search high and low for my local trial chamber! I might not be successful on my quest, but the sheer adrenaline rush from dodging poisonous arrows, navigating maze-like corridors, or getting knocked back across the room by a breeze are rewards enough. But who knows? Maybe I’ll become the best speed-runner in the Ominous Trials Any% respawn constantly category?” 

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