Valley of Kings minigame illustrates the epic, eternal struggle between those two irreconcilable forces of the universe: Archaeologists and Ancient Egyptians. It’s not entirely clear what prompted this conflict - maybe the archaeologists dug too deep and too greedily, disturbing the Egyptians from their slumber - but the result is a bitter war over the location of certain inexplicably precious flags. Each team must grab their opponents’, and carry it back to base to score points, all the while dodging the instantly lethal fire of human enemies and AI minions.
It’s intense stuff and really rather hard. You'll need keen cooperation to break up and circumvent the opposing force, as well as precise aim and solid shield tactics. Oh, and being adept with the Elytra is pretty essential, too: the placement of these scarab-themed gliders gives players the option of swooping right into the heart of battle. Why not find out for yourself? Valley of Kings was recently added for you to play on PC Realms.