We are now releasing Snapshot 23w14a, containing changes to Sculk blocks and Enchanting Tables, a new Quick Play functionality, an updated logo for Java Edition, a new main menu panorama, and lots of bug fixes!
Happy mining!
- Changes to Sculk blocks
- Replaceable blocks no longer block the connection between Enchanting Tables and Bookshelves
- In the Desert Temple, the new room has more of its roof collapsed and one block of Suspicious Sand is always visible in the top layer
- Updated the Minecraft: Java Edition logo
- The main menu background is now a Trails & Tales panorama
Sculk Shrieker
- Waterlogging them will now silence their shriek sounds
- Added to the Redstone Blocks tab in the creative menu
Sculk Sensor
- For both normal and calibrated Sculk Sensors, the following changes have been made:
- Default redstone output has been modified to be more reliable for distance calculations
- Now strongly powers the block they are placed on
Calibrated Sculk Sensor
- Has an active cooldown of 1 second instead of 2 seconds
- Detects vibrations up to 16 blocks away instead of 8 blocks
- Accepts signals into the calibration input side more consistently with other Redstone components
- For example, signals can now be received through a block
Technical Changes
- Signs with click commands can now be interacted with even if the Sign is not waxed
- Signs with non-text chat components can no longer be edited
- Added new loot table function called reference
- Added support for Quick Play
- Removed the server & port arguments as their functionality has been replaced by Quick Play
- Changes to tags
- The resource pack version is now 14
- Updated the sprite layout of minecraft.png
- Removed the overriding minecraft.png from the Programmer Art resource pack
- Updated the sprite layout of invite_icon.png
Loot tables
New function reference allows functions to call sub-functions (similar to reference condition).Fields:
- name - location of function to call
Quick Play
- Added support for four new command line arguments that allow the game to be launched directly into a world
- quickPlayPath takes a specified path for logging (relative to the run directory)
- If a path is provided the following will be logged upon joining a world:
- type: is either singleplayer, multiplayer, or realms
- identifier: represents the world you want to join
- For singleplayer, the folder name of the world
- For multiplayer, the IP address of the server
- For realms, the Realms ID
- port: represents the server port and is only logged for multiplayer
- name: The name of the world
- gamemode: The gamemode of the world
- lastPlayedTime: The time you joined the world
- Example:
- --quickPlayPath "quickPlay/log.json" will resolve into .minecraft/quickPlay/log.json
- If a path is provided the following will be logged upon joining a world:
- quickPlaySingleplayer, quickPlayMultiplayer and quickPlayRealms all take their respective identifier
- If one of these arguments is provided, the game will try to launch directly into the given world
- Examples:
- --quickPlaySingleplayer "New World"
- --quickPlayMultiplayer "localhost:25565"
- --quickPlayRealms "1234"
- Added replaceable_by_trees, to better express blocks that are replaced when the tree grows through them
- Removed replaceable_plants since it was only used as a subset of the blocks for the tag above, and not as universally
- Added sword_efficient, to represent blocks that are broken slightly faster by a sword than normal
Fixed bugs in 23w14a
- MC-2474 - Transparent blocks placed between bookshelves and enchanting tables negate bonuses received from bookshelves
- MC-138358 - Levers on top of item frames Z-fighting with blocks in item frames
- MC-155084 - Horses' armor, reins, and bridles experience z-fighting
- MC-165773 - /execute run does not cause syntax error when arguments are missing
- MC-176309 - Illusioner has a few misplaced pixels left in their texture
- MC-203399 - Hoppers use the side texture on the bottom
- MC-203406 - Kelp and seagrass models appear to reference biome tints despite not using any
- MC-212271 - Glow squid and squid show Z-fighting
- MC-224433 - Clouds texture contains semi-transparent background
- MC-230792 - Cat's tail shows Z-Fighting
- MC-237556 - Legs of black cat model are white at the top
- MC-241314 - Filled cauldrons' bottom faces are still culled when they should not be
- MC-246459 - Drowned have some transparent pixels within their inner body texture
- MC-249514 - Button UV appears to be upside-down
- MC-251536 - Desert zombie villager feet still mismatch the sides of the feet
- MC-251537 - Desert (zombie) villager has solid-color on inner of arm, unlike other villagers
- MC-251538 - Desert villager missing some pixels for the sandals
- MC-252099 - Incorrect texture mapping in potted mangrove propagule (mirror effect)
- MC-254588 - Miscolored pixel on slowness effect icon
- MC-256419 - Incomplete commands run through aliases don't produce errors
- MC-256540 - The top texture of the camel's front left leg contains some redundant gray pixels
- MC-258939 - Non-atomic cached state can cause multithreaded crashes
- MC-259873 - Skeleton/Zombie Horse's chests are outdated
- MC-260036 - Can't plant cactus and sugar cane on suspicious sand
- MC-260042 - Cannot waterlog a decorated pot by using a water bucket or dispenser
- MC-260105 - The name tags of sniffers are partly inside their models
- MC-260152 - Sculk sensors are not activated by sniffers digging
- MC-260202 - The sound of using the brush isn't affected by blocks
- MC-260237 - Sniffers can sniff while panicking
- MC-260240 - Sniffers that are in love sometimes don't attempt to approach one another to breed
- MC-260347 - Falling suspicious sand does not break when reopening the world
- MC-260348 - Sniffers will never dig in normal mud despite being a "sniffer_diggable" block
- MC-260401 - When Brush is broken in offhand, the broken Particle is the Item in mainhand
- MC-260459 - Baby sniffers don't sound high pitched when sniffing
- MC-260467 - Torchflower is not grouped with other small flowers in the creative inventory
- MC-260478 - Torchflower crop hitboxes don't change in size according to their age
- MC-260527 - The coordinates of the sniffer "minecraft:sniffer_explored_positions" tag do not check the dimension
- MC-260778 - Sniffer tries to sniff out blocks outside the world border
- MC-260779 - Sniffers can dig into blocks outside the world border
- MC-260810 - Villagers can't pick up torchflower seeds, despite being able to farm torchflowers
- MC-261167 - Suspicious gravel does not have an assigned tool
- MC-261171 - You can't plant bamboo on suspicious gravel
- MC-261172 - Pitcher crop hitboxes don't change in size according to their age
- MC-261174 - Suspicious gravel is not part of the #overworld_carver_replaceables tag, causing carvers to not cut through it
- MC-261176 - Pitchers don't maintain the farmland used to grow it
- MC-261179 - Attempting to interact with a waxed sign plays a sound but displays no subtitle
- MC-261183 - Sniffer egg sound events are listed under "entity" instead of "block"
- MC-261186 - Entities don't recognize sniffer eggs as obstacles when pathfinding
- MC-261187 - Entities will often spin while pathfinding on top of sniffer eggs
- MC-261189 - Inconsistent naming of block states for sniffer and turtle eggs
Get the Snapshot
Snapshot are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab.
Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
- For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.20 features, head over to the dedicated Feedback site category. If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the official Minecraft Discord.