Minecraft’s snowy forests are a truly magical place. Soft flakes landing on broad boughs, rabbits hopping around in the bushes, listening to your boots crunch the snow underfoot as a creeper approaches silently from behind. But the most magical of all, if you’re asking me, is the snowy taiga forests. And so, by the power vested in me, I’m pronouncing them our biome of the month.
Taigas were first added to Minecraft in October 2010 as part of the Halloween Update. At that point, all Taigas were snowy, and the trees were oak. It wasn’t until Java Edition Beta 1.2 that they became spruce. In The Update That Changed the World, terrain generation was reworked so that default taigas were without snow, but a rare “Cold Taiga” biome did snow. Finally, the Update Aquatic put in place the snowy taiga we know and love today.
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