Real-life rollercoasters are pretty good, I suppose, but can you ride one that starts above the clouds and spirals down through one of the most famous landmarks on Earth? I think not! That’s why I’ve challenged myself to build the ultimate tourist attraction: a rollercoaster bigger than the iconic Eiffel Tower.
First, I need an Eiffel Tower. Since I don’t have the money for a physical replica, nor a permit for covering the original in rail, I simply have to build it in Minecraft instead. There are amazing maps of Paris available on the Minecraft Marketplace, as well as blueprints online that you can follow to build your own. On the Marketplace I opt for Immersion: Paris by Shapescape, a magnificent Paris map with a huge Eiffel Tower, complete with night lighting, detailed restaurants, and great views of the city.
I want to let my imagination run wild, so I type ‘/gamemode creative’ to activate creative mode. I double-tap jump, fly to the very top of the tower, and then have to take a breath for a moment when I accidentally look down.
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