Technical Changes
- Data Pack version is now 48
- Resource Pack version is now 34
- Removed the update_1_21 feature flag and built-in datapack
- Server can now provide list of links to client
- Servers can add custom details to crash and disconnection reports
- Report data generator now includes information about network packets
- The game will now store reports from failed chunk loads and saves in the debug directory
Server Links
- New clientbound packet server_links is available in configuration and game protocols
- On receival, the links are made available in the Pause Menu
- Link labels can be built-in or custom (i.e. any text)
- Some built-ins also have special functionality:
- report_bug:
- link will be displayed on disconnection screen, if disconnection was caused by packet handling error
- link will be included as a comment in disconnection report
- Additionally, there are some generic-use link names, like "Support" or "Website", without any special functionality
- Added bug-report-link to to allow vanilla server to configure report_bug links
- If this field is non-empty, server will send that link to clients
- This field should contain well-formed URL
Custom Server Crash Report Details
- New clientbound packet custom_report_details is available in the configuration and game protocols
- This packet contains a list of key-value text entries
- If received, contents of this packet will be added in a separate section to any crash or disconnection report generated during connection to this server
Data Pack Versions 42 Through 48
- Added new Music Disc items and loot table entries for the Music Discs
- Painting variants are now data-driven
- Jukebox songs are now data-driven
- Enchantments are now data-driven
- Enchantments that show up in the game are now controlled by Enchantment Providers
- Enchantment exclusivity is now controlled through tags
- Added new command syntax
- Changes to predicates and loot table functions
- Registry decorated_pot_patterns has been renamed to decorated_pot_pattern
- Updated legacy element and tag directory names in datapacks
- Added new configurable fields to jigsaw structures and single_pool_element types
- Added new placement modifier type fixed_placement to place features in a set of fixed positions
- Added new feature type end_platform for the obsidian platform in the end
Painting Variants
- Painting variants registry are now loaded from packs
- Path to painting definition is data/<namespace>/painting_variant/<id>.json
- Fields in definition:
- width - width of painting in blocks, between 1 and 16
- height - height of painting in blocks, between 1 and 16
- asset_id - id of sprite in paintings atlas
Jukebox Songs
- Added a jukebox song registry which is loaded from data packs
- Path to jukebox song definition is data/<namespace>/jukebox_song/<id>.json
- Fields in definition:
- sound_event - sound event that is streamed when played by a Jukebox
- description - the name of the song that will be displayed in the hover tooltip represented as a Text Component
- length_in_seconds - length of the song in seconds as a positive float
- comparator_output - the redstone signal output by a comparator when played in a Jukebox, between 0 and 15
- Added minecraft:jukebox_playable item stack component
jukebox_playable Item Component
- If set, the item can be inserted into Jukeboxes to play a song
- Format: object with fields
- song: Jukebox song id
- The song that will be played by the Jukebox when this item stack is inserted
- show_in_tooltip: boolean (default: true)
- If false, the name of the song will not be shown in the tooltip
- This was formerly controlled by the hide_additional_tooltip component on Music Discs
- e.g. jukebox_playable={song:'minecraft:precipice'}, jukebox_playable={song:'minecraft:precipice', show_in_tooltip:false}
- Attribute Modifiers no longer have a UUID and name combination
- Instead, Attribute Modifiers are now uniquely identified by a namespaced ID, similar to other resources
- The ID of a modifier uniquely identifies it in the set of modifiers for a single attribute
- Using the same ID for different modifiers is allowed as long as the modifiers are for different attributes
- Existing built-in modifiers will be upgraded to new IDs
- Existing custom modifiers will be upgraded to the UUID as an ID in the minecraft namespace
attribute Command
- The uuid and name arguments have been replaced with a singular id argument
Item Stack Attribute Modifiers
- The uuid and name fields have been removed
- Attribute Modifiers now have an id (namespaced ID) field
- This is a unique identifier per attribute for the modifier
Entity Attributes
- Attributes are now stored as attributes
- Attribute format:
- id, renamed from Name
- base, renamed from Base
- modifiers, renamed from Modifiers
- Now stores modifiers in the same format as modifiers in attribute_modifiers item stack components:
- id, replaces UUID and Name
- amount, renamed from Amount
- operation, renamed from Operation, now a named constant instead of an int:
- add_value - previously 0
- add_multiplied_base - previously 1
- add_multiplied_total - previously 2
Enchantments are now set through data. An Enchantment is a set of core properties like level ranges and cost together with some effects. Most effect types also support a set of conditions, making it possible to apply them only when certain criteria are met.
Enchantments can be added in the registry enchantment. All Vanilla Enchantments can be found in the vanilla datapack in the client and server jar files.
- description: The name of the Enchantment when displayed in text represented as a Text Component
- exclusive_set: The Enchantment(s) this Enchantment is mutually exclusive with
- Two Enchantments can never co-exist on an item if either is in the other's exclusive set
- Specified as an Enchantment ID, a list of Enchantment IDs or an Enchantment Tag prefixed with #
- Optional - if omitted, the exclusive set is empty
- supported_items: The item types that can have this Enchantment
- Item ID, list of item IDs or tag prefixed with #
- primary_items: The item types for which this Enchantment shows up in Enchanting Tables and on traded equipment
- Item ID, list of item IDs or tag prefixed with #
- Must be a subset of supported_items
- weight: How commonly the Enchantment appears, compared to the total combined weight of all available Enchantments
- Positive integer, at most 1024 - higher values mean more common
- max_level: The maximum level of the Enchantment
- All Enchantments range from level 1 to their maximum level
- Positive integer, at most 255
- min_cost, max_cost: describe the range of costs for this Enchantment in the Enchanting Table (and how much it returns when disenchanted)
- Both min and max cost are described using a linear formula:
- base: Base cost at level 1
- per_level_above_first: Added for each level over 1
- anvil_cost: The fee taken for the Enchantment in the anvil
- Non-negative integer
- This value is halved when an Enchantment is added to a Book
- The effective fee is multiplied by the level of the Enchantment
- slots: A list of slot groups this Enchantment works in
- Each entry is one of any, hand, mainhand, offhand, armor, feet, legs, chest, head and body
- effects: A map of effect components, as described below in the Effect Components section
Level-Based Values
Many effects of Enchantments depend on the level of the Enchantment. For these fields, a type called Level-Based Values is used. In their most basic form, Level-Based Values can be written as floating-point constants, which is interpreted as a value that isn't in fact level-based, the constant is used as-is for all levels.
If a Level-Based value is not a floating-point constant, it is an object with a type field, specifying one of the following types.
The most common type of Level-Based Value is a linear value. A linear Level-Based Value has two fields:
- base: The base value added to all levels
- per_level_above_first: Amount added for each level above the first one
In effect, a linear Level-Based Value results in base + per_level_above_first * (level - 1).
A Level-Based Value type that clamps a value between a min and max. Fields:
- value: A Level-Based Value used as the input
- min: A floating point value specifying the minimum value of the output
- max: A floating point value specifying the maximum value of the output
A Level-Based Value type that represents the fraction between two values. Fields:
- numerator: A Level-Based Value used as the numerator
- denominator: A Level-Based Value used as the denominator
A Level-Based Value type that evaluates to the square of the levels, plus an addition. Fields:
- added: A floating-point value added to the result of the squared levels
In effect, a levels_squared Level-Based Value results in level ^ 2 + added
A Level-Based Value type that maps a list of values to specific levels, and applies a fallback if the level is greater than the number of values supplied. Fields:
- values - A list of values indexed by level - 1 to apply, if present
- fallback - A fallback Level-Based Value to apply if the level is greater than the size of values
Value Effect Types
Value Effects are effects used to manipulate the amount of something in the game.
A Value Effect that adds a value to the processed results.
- value: A Level-Based Value determining how much to add
- Negative values are supported
A Value Effect that runs a number of other Value Effects, in order. This can be useful when the same set of conditions apply to a number of Value Effects.
- effects: A list of the Value Effects to run
A Value Effect that multiplies the processed value by a given factor.
- factor: A Level-Based Value determining the factor to multiply in
A Value Effect that runs a Binomial series of checks, reducing the input value by 1 for every successful check.
- chance: A Level-Based Value representing the chance that an input value is dropped.
- The span is 0 to 1, with 0 being no chance to drop an input value and 1 dropping all input values
A Value Effect that overwrites the input value with a given Level-Based Value.
- value: The Level-Based Value to use as the result
Attribute Effects
Attribute effects use the Attribute system to apply an Attribute Modifier whenever the Enchanted Item is correctly equipped. Attribute effects do not have a dynamic type - they are all the same type.
- id: The namespaced ID of the Attribute Modifier to add
- This will be postfixed with the slot name when the enchanted item is equipped in a slot
- Must be unique to avoid different Enchantments (or other systems) interfering with each others
- attribute: The ID of the attribute to modify
- operation: The operation of the Attribute Modifier
- One of add_value, add_multiplied_base and add_multiplied_total
- amount: A Level-Based Value describing the amount
Entity Effect Types
Entity Effects are Enchantment effects that generally do something to an Entity involved in an event. Which entity is affected depends on the specific component being configured.
An Entity Effect that runs a list of other Entity Effects. This can be useful when a set of conditions should apply to more than one Entity Effect.
- effects: List of Entity Effects to run
An Entity Effect that applies a random Mob Effect to the affected entity, chosen from a set of options. The duration and amplifier are randomized within a given span. The effect of specifying larger maximum values than the minimum value is undefined.
- to_apply: Options for the Effect to apply
- One of an Effect ID, a list of Effect IDs or an Effect Tag prefixed by #
- min_duration, max_duration: Level-Based Values representing the minimum and maximum duration of the effect in seconds
- min_amplifier, max_amplifier: Level-Based Values representing the minimum and maximum amplifier
An Entity Effect that applies damage to the affected entity. The amount of damage is randomized within a given span. The effect of specifying a larger maximum value than the minimum value is undefined.
- damage_type: The ID of the Damage Type to use
- min_damage, max_damage: Level-Based Values representing the minimum and maximum amount of damage
An Entity Effect that applies damage to the Enchanted Item. The damage is not applied to items held by players in creative mode.
- amount: A Level-Based Value determining the amount of damage to apply
An Entity Effect that causes an explosion.
- attribute_to_user: A boolean deciding whether the explosion should be attributed to the user of the enchanted tool
- damage_type: Optional damage type of the explosion - if omitted, no damage is dealt by the explosion
- immune_blocks: Optional Block, list of Blocks or hash-prefixed Block Tag specifying which blocks fully block the explosion
- knockback_multiplier: A Level-Based Value deciding the knockback multiplier caused by the explosion - if omitted, the default explosion knockback is applied
- offset: A position offset for where the explosion is spawned
- Format: list of 3 integers representing X, Y and Z offset
- Optional, if omitted [0, 0, 0] is used
- radius: A Level-Based Value representing the radius of the explosion
- create_fire: A boolean for whether the explosion causes fire to be placed or not
- block_interaction: How the explosion interacts with blocks. One of:
- none: No effect
- block: Act as if a block caused the explosion - the blockExplosionDropDecay game rule applies to drops
- mob: Act as if a mob caused the explosion - the mobExplosionDropDecay game rule applies to drops
- tnt: Act as if TNT caused the explosion - the tntExplosionDropDecay game rule applies to drops
- trigger: Trigger redstone-activated blocks
- small_particle: The small particle emitted by the explosion
- large_particle: The large particle emitted by the explosion
- sound: The sound event caused by the explosion
An Entity Effect that ignites the affected entity for a given number of seconds.
- duration: A Level-Based Value specifying the number of seconds the fire should last
An Entity Effect that plays a sound.
- sound: A Sound Event ID for the sound to play
- volume: A Float Provider between 0.00001 and 10.0 specifying the volume of the sound
- pitch: A Float Provider between 0.00001 and 2.0 specifying the pitch of the sound
An Entity Effect that replaces a block in the world.
- block_state: A block state provider giving the block state to set
- offset: A positional offset from the position of the event to where to place the block
- Format: list of 3 integers representing X, Y and Z offset
- Optional, if omitted [0, 0, 0] is used
- predicate: A World-generation style Block Predicate to used to determine if the block should be replaced
- Optional, if omitted all block types are replaced
- trigger_game_event: Optional Game Event ID for a game event to trigger when a block has been replaced
An Entity Effect that replaces blocks in a disk / cylinder in the world.
- block_state: A block state provider giving the block state to set
- radius: A Level-Based Value describing the radius of the cylinder
- height: A Level-Based Value describing the height of the cylinder
- offset: A positional offset from the position of the event to the center of the cylinder
- Format: list of 3 integers representing X, Y and Z offset
- Optional, if omitted [0, 0, 0] is used
- predicate: A World-generation style Block Predicate to used to determine if the block should be replaced
- Optional, if omitted all block types are replaced
- trigger_game_event: Optional Game Event ID for a game event to trigger when a block has been replaced
An Entity Effect that runs a Command Function. The execution entity the effect is executing for is represented as @s and ~ ~ ~ is the position of the event, rotated in the direction of the affected entity.
- function: Namespaced ID of the Command Function to run
An Entity Effect that sets properties on a block
- properties: map of property key to property value (same format as a minecraft:block_state item component)
- offset: A positional offset from the position of the event to the center of the cylinder
- Format: list of 3 integers representing X, Y and Z offset
- Optional, if omitted [0, 0, 0] is used
- trigger_game_event: Optional Game Event ID for a game event to trigger when a block has been changed
An Entity Effect that spawns particles around the affected entity.
- particle: A particle type definition
- horizontal_position, vertical_position: Decides where the particle spawns horizontally and vertically. Objects with fields:
- type: Specifies the position selection type. One of:
- "entity_position": Spawn particles based on the entity position
- "in_bounding_box": Spawn particles based on randomized positions inside the bounding box of the entity
- offset: A floating point value specifying an offset to the position source
- Optional, interpreted as 0 if omitted
- scale: A floating point value specifying a scaling factor
- Only available if type is "in_bounding_box"
- Optional, interpreted as 1 if omitted
- horizontal_velocity, vertical_velocity: Decides the initial velocity of the spawned particle. Object with fields:
- base: A Float Provider giving the base speed along the given axis
- Optional, interpreted as 0 if omitted
- movement_scale: A floating point scale factor applied to the entity speed along the given axis
- Optional, interpreted as 0 if omitted
- Example: a movement_scale of 1 adds the velocity of the entity to the spawned particles
An Entity Effect that summons a new entity, randomly chosen from a set of Entity Types, at the site of the event.
- entity: The options for the Entity Type to summon
- Either an Entity Type ID, a list of Entity Type IDs or an Entity Type Tag prefixed with #
- join_team: Boolean that specifies whether the summoned entity should join the team of the owner of the Enchanted Item
Location-Based Effect Types
Location-Based Effects are special effects that activate and deactivate depending on where the owner of the Enchanted Item moves. Location-Based Effect only trigger when such items are initially equipped and subsequently when the owning entity moves to a new space in the Block grid - i.e. when their coordinates change to a new integer value.
All Entity Effect types can also be used as Location-Based Effects, and in addition attribute can be used to specify an Attribute Effect as a location-based effect.
Effect Conditions
Most Enchantment effects are filtered using Conditions (same types as in loot tables). This enables effects to be specific for different situations. Each Effect Component defines which parameters are available for the condition to evaluate - some parameters are available for all of these parameter sets, while some are specific to a certain set.
Unlike with loot tables, all effect conditions need to be inline objects and cannot be references.
Each effect component specifies which parameters are available in the Effect Components list below.
Damage Parameters
- Entities: this, attacker, direct_attacker
- Enchantment Level
- Origin
- Damage Source
Item Parameters
Location Parameters
- Entities: this
- Enchantment Level
- Origin
- Enchantment Active status
Entity Parameters
- Entities: this
- Enchantment Level
- Origin
Hit Block Parameters
- Entities: this
- Enchantment Level
- Origin
- Block State
Effect Components
The effects field in an Enchantment is a map of Effect Component type the Effect List data. Most Effect Components are lists, so any number of Effects can be added of any Component Type. The data for each effect generally involves having a specified condition context and Effect Type, but some Effects also deviate from this format.
In cases where the documentation specifies a Condition Context and Effect, the Component is a list. Each entry in the list has a field named effect with the effect of the type used by the list. Entries can also optionally include a field named requirements specifying the condition parameters, which are then evaluated with the documented context.
- minecraft:armor_effectiveness: Effects for changing the armor effectiveness of the target of an attack
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Value Effect on the armor effectiveness: 0 for completely ineffective, 1 for fully effective
- minecraft:attributes: Unfiltered list of Attribute Effects
- minecraft:ammo_use: Effects for ammunition being used when drawing a projectile weapon (firing a Bow or loading a Crossbow)
- Condition Context: Item Parameters - Tool is the ammunition item
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of ammunition being used up
- minecraft:block_experience: Effects for the amount of experience that drops when mining a block with the Enchanted Item
- Condition Context: Item Parameters - Tool is the mining tool used
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of experience awarded
- minecraft:crossbow_charge_sounds: Effect for changing the charging sounds of a Crossbow
- Note: Only one of these effects can ever be active - the highest level is picked
- Format: A list of Crossbow sound banks:
- start: Optional sound event id for the start of charging
- mid: Optional sound event id for the middle of charging
- end: Optional sound event id for the end of charging
- Each entry in the list represents the sounds at one level of the Enchantment, so the first entry represents the sounds used by a level 1 Enchantment
- minecraft:crossbow_charge_time: Effects for the charging time of a Crossbow
- Format: A single Value Effect on the charge time of the Crossbow in seconds - unconditional
- minecraft:damage: Effects for the amount of damage caused by an attack
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of damage
- minecraft:damage_immunity: Effects for complete damage immunity
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Not specified - any matching entry causes damage immunity
- minecraft:damage_protection: Effects for damage protection
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of damage protection
- Note that this adds damage protection ("magical armor") rather than processing the damage itself
- minecraft:equipment_drops: Effects for the chance of equipment dropping when a target is killed by the owner of the Enchanted Item
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Value Effect on the chance between 0 and 1 of an equipped piece dropping
- Also has one other field:
- enchanted: A specifier for who needs to be enchanted for the effect to apply
- Possible values are attacker and victim
- minecraft:fishing_luck_bonus: Effects for the amount of luck given to a player fishing
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the player fishing
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of luck
- Note: The total amount of luck (in integer form) is applied as a luck effect to the fishing loot table
- minecraft:fishing_time_reduction: Effects for reducing the time until a fish bites when fishing
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the player fishing
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of time saved in seconds
- Note: Higher values here mean less time until a fish bites
- minecraft:hit_block: Effects applying after a weapon or tool hits a Block
- Condition Context: Hit Block Parameters - this is the entity hitting the Block
- Effect: Entity Effect on the entity hitting the Block
- Note: In the case of a projectile attack, this is the projectile
- minecraft:knockback: Effects for the amount of knockback caused by an attack
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of knockback caused by the attack
- minecraft:item_damage: Effects for the amount of durability lost when an item is damaged
- Condition Context: Item Parameters - Tool is the damaged item
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of damage to the item
- minecraft:location_changed: Effects that take effect when an entity crosses into a new block position
- Condition Context: Location Parameters
- Effect: Location Based Effect
- minecraft:mob_experience: Effects for the amount of experience that drops when killing a mob with the Enchanted Item
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the killed Mob
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of experience awarded
- minecraft:post_attack: Effects applying after an attack damages a target
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Entity Effect
- Also has two other fields:
- enchanted: A specifier for who needs to be enchanted for the effect to apply
- affected: A specifier for whom the effect is applied to
- Possible values for both fields are attacker, damaging_entity and victim
- Example, a Fire Aspect Enchant would specify that when the attacker is enchanted, the ignite effect is applied, and the affected party is the victim
- Another example: Thorns would specify that when the victim is enchanted, the damage_entity effect is applied, and the affected party is the attacker
- minecraft:prevent_armor_change: Effect for preventing the enchanted item from being unequipped from an armor slot
- minecraft:prevent_equipment_drop: Effect for preventing the enchanted item from being dropped on owner death
- minecraft:projectile_count: Effects for the amount of projectiles drawn when using a projectile weapon
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the entity drawing the weapon
- Effect: Value Effect on the number of projectiles drawn
- minecraft:projectile_piercing: Effects for the piercing count of projectiles fired from a projectile weapon, i.e. the number of targets it can hit
- Condition Context: Item Parameters - Tool is the ammunition item
- Effect: Value Effect on the pierce count of the fired projectile
- minecraft:projectile_spread: Effects for the spread of arrows from a projectile weapon firing multiple projectiles
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the entity using the Weapon
- Effect: Value effect on the maximum spread of projectiles measured in degrees from the aim line
- minecraft:projectile_spawned: Effects applying after a projectile entity has been spawned when firing a projectile weapon
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the projectile entity
- Effect: Entity Effect on the projectile entity
- minecraft:repair_with_xp: Effect for repairing the item with xp when picked up by the player - any effect present triggers the function
- Condition Context: Item Parameters - tool is the item being repaired
- Effect: Value Effect converting the amount of XP to the amount of durability to repair
- minecraft:smash_damage_per_block_fallen: Effects for the amount of damage caused by a Mace's smash attack
- Condition Context: Damage Parameters
- Effect: Value Effect on the amount of damage
- minecraft:tick: Effects that apply every tick for correctly equipped Enchanted Items
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this is the owner of the Enchanted Item
- Effect: Entity Effect on the owner of the Enchanted Item
- minecraft:trident_return_acceleration: Effects for the special acceleration value of a Trident that returns it to its owner
- Condition Context: Entity Parameters - this the Trident Entity
- Effect: Value Effect on the acceleration value
- minecraft:trident_spin_attack_strength: Effects for the strength of a Trident used as a spin attack
- Format: A single Value Effect on the strength - unconditional
- Any resulting value greater than 0 converts the Trident to be a spin attack weapon instead of a thrown attack
- minecraft:trident_sound: Effect for changing the charging sounds of a Trident attack
- Note: Only one of these effects can ever be active - the highest level is picked
- Format: A list of sound events
- Each entry in the list represents the sound at one level of the Enchantment, so the first entry represents the sound used by a level 1 Enchantment
Enchantment Providers
Enchantment Providers are new ways for the game to source Enchantments to use in various situations where Enchantments show up.
Spawn Equipment Enchantment Providers
- mob_spawn_equipment: Enchantment Provider for mobs that spawn with randomly Enchanted equipment
- pillager_spawn_crossbow: Enchantment Provider for Pillagers that spawn with Enchanted Crossbows
- raid/pillager_post_wave_3: Enchantment Provider that is applied as a buff on the Crossbow of Pillagers spawning as waves 4 and 5
- raid/pillager_post_wave_5: Enchantment Provider that is applied as a buff on the Crossbow of Pillagers spawning as waves above 5
- raid/vindicator: Enchantment Provider that is applied as a buff on the Axe of a Vindicator spawning as wave 1-5
- raid/vindicator_post_wave_5: Enchantment Provider that is applied as a buff on the Axe of a Vindicator spawning as waves above 5
Enderman Loot Enchantment Provider
- enderman_loot_drop: Enchantment Provider that is used for the "fake tool" applied to the carried block of a killed Enderman
Villager Trade Rebalance Enchantment Providers
All Equipment-specific Enchantments in Villager trades in the Villager Trade Rebalance experiment are now sourced from Enchantment Providers.
These Enchantment Providers are only used when the Villager Trade Rebalance experiment is enabled and all have the following pattern:
For example: trades/desert_armorer_helmet_4 and trades/taiga_armorer_chestplate_5.
Enchantment Provider Types
An Enchantment Provider which always provides the same Enchantment. The level of the Enchantment can be either constant or randomized.
- enchantment: Namespaced ID of the Enchantment
- level: Int provider representing the level of the Enchantment
An Enchantment Provider which gives one or more Enchantments from a set of options according to a given cost (similar to the cost value in the Enchantment Table).
- enchantments: The set of Enchantments as either a single Enchantment, a list of Enchantments or hash-prefixed Enchantment Tag
- cost: Int provider representing the cost to use for the Enchanting process
An Enchantment Provider which works like enchantments_by_cost, but where the cost is calculated partially based on the local difficulty of the area where the event happens causing the Enchantments to be added.
The used cost is a minimum cost plus a uniformly randomized factor up to a base cost span multiplied with the special factor, which starts at 0 for local difficulty up to 2, increases linearly up to 1 for local difficulty 4 and stays at a constant value of 1 for any difficulty above that.
- enchantments: The set of Enchantments as either a single Enchantment, a list of Enchantments or hash-prefixed Enchantment Tag
- min_cost: Positive integer representing the minimum possible cost
- max_cost_span: Non-negative integer representing the span of the cost randomization when the special factor is at its maximum
Damage Types
- New damage type: campfire, split from in_fire
Directory renames
- Some registry types that used legacy datapack directory names (based on plural name of element) have been renamed to match registry name
- Affected directories:
- structures -> structure
- advancements -> advancement
- recipes -> recipe
- loot_tables -> loot_table
- predicates -> predicate
- item_modifiers -> item_modifier
- functions -> function
- tags/functions -> tags/function
- tags/items -> tags/item
- tags/blocks -> tags/block
- tags/entity_types -> tags/entity_type
- tags/fluids -> tags/fluid
- tags/game_events -> tags/game_event
Item Tags
- Removed music_discs item tag
Block Tags
- air: All blocks that resemble air
Enchantment Tags
Enchantment Functionality Tags
- curse: Enchantments that get listed in red in tooltips and cannot be removed by disenchanting
- prevents_bee_spawns_when_mining: Enchantments that allow a tool to mine Bee Nests and Beehives with the Bees still inside
- prevents_decorated_pot_shattering: Enchantments that make a tool not shatter Decorated Pots
- prevents_ice_melting: Enchantments that cause a tool to not break Ice into Water
- prevents_infested_spawns: Enchantments that allow a tool to break Infested blocks without causing the mob inside to spawn
- smelts_loot: Enchantments that cause loot drops to be smelted
Enchantment Availability Tags
- tradeable: Enchantments that show up on Books in Villager trades
- on_traded_equipment: Enchantments that show up on enchanted equipment in Villager trades
- double_trade_price: Enchantments that double the Emerald cost when traded
- in_enchanting_table: Enchantments that can show up in the Enchanting Table
- on_mob_spawn_equipment: Enchantments that can show up on equipment worn by randomly spawned mobs
- on_random_loot: Enchantments that can show up in Chests found in the world
Enchantment Exclusivity Tags
New tags used by the Vanilla Enchantments to control which ones are mutually exclusive, all of which are found under the exclusive_set/ path.
- armor: Enchantments that cannot co-exist on Armor pieces
- boots: Enchantments that cannot co-exist on Boots
- bow: Enchantments that cannot co-exist on Bows
- crossbow: Enchantments that cannot co-exist on Crossbows
- damage: Damage-increasing Enchantments that cannot co-exist
- mining: Mining-related Enchantments that cannot co-exist
- riptide: Enchantments that cannot co-exist with Riptide
Trade Rebalance Enchantment Tags
In the experimental trade_rebalance pack, each biome type has two tags:
- trades/<biome>_common: Contains Enchantments traded on the lower profession levels
- trades/<biome>_special: Contains Enchantments traded on the highest profession level
Damage Type Tags
- Removed breeze_immune_to Damage type tag
- Added burn_from_stepping: Damage types that represent burning damage from stepping on something - in particular, damage types countered by the frost_walker Enchantment
- Added panic_environmental_causes: Damage types that cause panic in aggressive animals that can panic, i.e. mobs that retaliate when attacked
- Added panic_causes: Damage types that cause panic in passive animals, i.e. mobs that run away when attacked
Loot Tables
Some target entity names have been renamed to fit in a more generic context:
- killer is now called attacker
- direct_killer is now called direct_attacker
- killer_player is now called attacking_player
New condition, requires the "Enchantment Active" parameter to exist in the context, which currently means it only works in Enchantment conditions.
- active: boolean determining whether the check should match for an active (true) or inactive (false)
- The chance field is now a Number Provider
Renamed from random_chance_with_looting. Field changes:
- looting_multiplier: field has been removed
- chance: field has been removed
- unenchanted_chance: new field for the chance for an unenchanted item
- enchanted_chance: new field for the chance for an enchanted item - a Level-Based Value
- enchantment: new field containing the namespaced ID of the Enchantment which grants the bonus chance
Renamed from looting_enchant. Now has a new field:
- enchantment: Namespaced ID of the Enchantment that increases yields
- Changed format - the enchantments field is now called options
- options is now specified as one of an Enchantment, a list of Enchantments or an Enchantment Tag (prefixed with #)
- only_compatible: New optional boolean field - if true, only allows Enchantments that are compatible with the item
- If omitted, defaults to true
- Note: Books are considered compatible with all Enchantments
- The treasure field has been removed
- Changed format - options is now specified as one of an Enchantment, a list of Enchantments or an Enchantment Tag (prefixed with #)
- Some of the possible values for the source field have changed:
- killer renamed to attacking_entity
- killer_player renamed to last_damage_player
Number Providers
A new number provider that sources values from the Enchantment Level parameter.
Damage Type Predicate
- New option: is_direct - optional boolean
- When present, requires the damage to be direct (true) or indirect (false)
- Damage is direct when its direct and source entities are the same
Enchantment Predicate
- The enchantment field has been removed
- Added an enchantments field, one of an Enchantment, a list of Enchantments or an Enchantment Tag (prefixed with #)
- If multiple Enchantments are specified through a list or a tag, the Predicate matches if any Enchantment matches
- If no enchantments field is specified, any enchantment matching levels will succeed the test
- If neither the levels nor enchantments fields are defined, the predicate will match an item that has any enchantment
Jukebox Playable Predicate
New item sub-predicate available as jukebox_playable.
- Matcher for jukebox_playable component (like Music Discs)
- Fields:
- song - optional id, list of ids or tag for jukebox song to be matched
Entity Predicate
- New sub-predicate type Movement Predicate available as movement
- New sub-predicate type Periodic Ticks Predicate available as periodic_tick
- New option: movement_affected_by - optional Location Predicate
- When present, adds requirements on a block at most 0.5 blocks below the entity which can affect its movement
Player Predicate
- The gamemode field has been changed to accept a list of game modes
Entity Flags Predicate
New possible fields:
- is_on_ground: Optional boolean - if provided, matches the "on ground" state of the entity
- is_flying: Optional boolean - if provided, matches whether the entity is flying, including:
- Gliding with Elytra
- Flying in Creative Mode
Location Predicate
New possible field:
- can_see_sky: Optional boolean - if provided, matches exactly when the location has the maximum possible level of sky light
Movement Predicate
New predicate type. Possible fields:
- x, y, z: min/max limits for movement speed along a certain axis in blocks / second
- speed: min/max limits for overall movement speed in blocks / second
- horizontal_speed: min/max limits for the horizontal speed component of the entity's movement in blocks / second
- vertical_speed: min/max limits for the vertical speed component of the entity's movement in blocks / second
- fall_distance: min/max limits for the fall distance of the entity in blocks
Periodic Ticks Predicate
New Entity sub-predicate available as periodic_tick in Entity Predicates. Format: a positive integer.
This sub-predicate is true every n ticks of an entity's lifetime.
Now also works on Players.
A factor to how long an entity remains on fire after being ignited. A factor of 0 removes the entire burn time, a factor of 1 lets the entity burn the default fire time - larger values increase the amount of time the entity remains on fire.
- Default: 1
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1024
A factor to how much knockback an entity takes from an Explosion. A factor of 1 removes the entire knockback, a factor of 0 means no knockback reduction.
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1
Mining speed factor added to the speed of mining when using a tool that efficiently mines a block.
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1024
How efficiently the entity can move through impeding terrain that slows down movement. A factor of 1 removes all movement penalty, a factor of 0 applies full movement penalty.
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1
Factor to the chance an Entity has to not use up air when underwater. 0 has no effect, values over 0 are used in the following formula to determine the chance of using up air:
1 / (oxygen_bonus + 1)
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1024
The movement speed factor when sneaking. A factor of 1 means sneaking is as fast as walking, a factor of 0 means unable to move while sneaking.
- Default: 0.3
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1
The mining speed factor when submerged. A factor of 1 means mining as fast submerged as on land, a factor of 0 means unable to mine while submerged. Note that this represents only the submersion factor itself, and other factors (such as not touching the ground) also apply.
- Default: 0.2
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 20
How much of the base attack damage that gets transferred transfer to secondary targets in a sweep attack. This is additive to the base attack of the sweep damage itself of 1. A value of 0 means none of the base attack damage is transferred (sweep damage is 1). A value of 1 means all of the base attack damage is transferred (sweep damage is attack_damage + 1)
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1
The movement speed factor when submerged. The higher, the more of the underwater movement penalty is mitigated. Note that this represents only the submersion factor itself, and other factors (such as not touching the ground) also apply.
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 1
Block Predicates (World Generation Style)
New block predicate type that passes if the selected block is unobstructed (no entities are in the space of the block).
- offset: List of 3 int offset coordinates, specifying the offset from the origin position to test
- Optional, defaults to [0, 0, 0] if unspecified
Entity Data
- Arrow-like projectile data now contains a weapon field containing an Item Stack representing the weapon the projectile was fired from
- The ShotFromCrossbow field has been removed
- Removed power NBT tag and replaced it with acceleration_power tag with a number value that control the projectiles acceleration (and maximum speed)
- This change affects the following projectiles; dragon_fireball, large_fireball, small_fireball, fireball, breeze_wind_charge, wind_charge, wither_skull
Item Components
- The custom_data component can now be specified as an SNBT string to preserve type information in JSON
- This is the same as is used in the set_custom_data loot function and custom_data predicate
- The food item component has a new field:
- using_converts_to: item with components (optional)
- Once consumed, the food item will be replaced with the specified item
- e.g. food={nutrition:1,saturation:0,using_converts_to:{id:"poisonous_potato",components:{"minecraft:custom_name":'"Wait what?"'}}}
- Added dimension_padding field to structures of type minecraft:jigsaw, which ensures that a structure is not generating through the edges of a dimension by adding vertical padding to its bounding box
- Can be written as an object with two fields:
- bottom the vertical padding at the bottom of the dimension, non-negative integer
- top the vertical padding at the top of the dimension, non-negative integer
- e.g. dimension_padding: { bottom: 10, top: 5 }
- Can be written as a single non-negative integer instead to be applied to both top and bottom fields
- e.g. dimension_padding: 10
- Added liquid_settings field to structures of type minecraft:jigsaw. Possible values:
- apply_waterlogging: If any waterloggable block overlaps with existing water, it will become waterlogged
- ignore_waterlogging: If any waterloggable block overlaps with existing water, it will not become waterlogged
- Default value is apply_waterlogging
- Added optional field override_liquid_settings to single_pool_element element type
- Has the same possible values as the liquid_settings in jigsaw structures
- If provided, it overrides the inherited liquid settings from the parent jigsaw structure while generating this pool element
- The item argument in the /give, /item, and /loot commands now supports removal of default components with ! prefix
- e.g. /give @s diamond_pickaxe[!tool] will give a Diamond Pickaxe without the tool component
- Added @n entity selector, selecting the nearest entity
- This functions as @e[sort=nearest,limit=1]
- Additional requirements may still be provided; for example: @n[type=pig] will select the closest Pig
Resource Pack Versions 33 Through 34
- Added new textures and music assets for Music Discs
- Renamed sound events for Ominous Trial Spawner becoming active and ambient sound
- Added the block.vault.reject_rewarded_player sound event
- Changes to Shaders
- The blend block in core shader definitions has been removed, as it was not used
- The position_color_tex shader has been removed, replaced with the pre-existing position_tex_color
- The glint_direct shader has been removed, replaced with the pre-existing glint shader
- The armor_glint shader has been removed, as it was unused
Fixed bugs in 1.21
- MC-67 - Entities with passengers cannot travel through portals
- MC-902 - The end obsidian platform resets every time entities go through the end portal, which can cause blocks to be deleted
- MC-6431 - Status effects are lost when returning to the overworld from the exit end portal
- MC-8983 - Primed TNT cannot travel through nether portals
- MC-9568 - Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
- MC-9644 - Launched falling_block entities do not travel through portals
- MC-14923 - Players can be kicked for spamming in a singleplayer world with cheats disabled
- MC-16345 - Reducing the player's base max health using /attribute does not always reduce their current health
- MC-26304 - Brewing stands reset brew cycle when unloaded
- MC-31819 - Hunger saturation depletes on peaceful difficulty
- MC-44280 - Entities don't receive knockback from projectiles fired from dispensers
- MC-50612 - Command blocks do not update when you place them near any source of power
- MC-59626 - Arrows lose their Punch enchantment property when unloaded
- MC-76104 - Guardians are unaffected by Thorns enchantment
- MC-78473 - Mobs don't panic when hit with a summoned or dispensed potion of harming
- MC-83590 - Armor attributes list can be too long
- MC-93669 - The sweeping attack doesn't ignite other mobs when using the fire aspect enchantment
- MC-93833 - Only if Health is provided maxHealth attribute is used as maximum Health value
- MC-96198 - Boats / rafts move into blocks when landing in less than one block deep water
- MC-97087 - Attributes won't work in main hand if they were in offhand
- MC-99411 - Frost Walker ice only semi-affected by randomTickSpeed gamerule
- MC-101170 - Portal sound doesn't get played when returning from End
- MC-110815 - Slimes are summoned with the wrong amount of health
- MC-114566 - Can't teleport back to the central island with End Gateway Portal on outer End islands
- MC-116279 - Non-player entities going through Nether portal do not generate portal in Nether if none exists
- MC-116643 - Silk Touch cannot be combined with Looting or Luck of the Sea
- MC-117361 - Mob type specific damage enchantment (Smite, Bane of Arthropods) affects all nearby entities when hitting affected mob with Sweeping Edge
- MC-124177 - Teleporting to another dimension loses some client states
- MC-131637 - The slowness effect is applied to entities when the bane of arthropods enchantment is held in the off hand
- MC-136147 - Riptide tridents use mainhand item to inflict damage when thrown in the offhand
- MC-137018 - Killing rabbits with Looting and Fire Aspect only drops cooked rabbit sometimes
- MC-137719 - The player's horizontal motion doesn't affect fired projectiles in certain situations
- MC-148741 - Selection boxes in some screens are misaligned in comparison with their text
- MC-151648 - Non-player entities cannot travel through unlinked nether portals
- MC-157215 - Loading 2 crossbows with 1 arrow in the mainhand and offhand can cause the arrow in the hotbar/inventory to become a "ghost arrow"
- MC-158245 - Fire Aspect enchantment from mobs can set you on fire even when blocking with a shield
- MC-160140 - Shulker boxes on the obsidian platform are destroyed and do not drop when a player enters the End
- MC-166809 - Cooldown rendering stutters while pausing
- MC-169698 - Blocks within igloo basements can generate waterlogged when generating in close proximity to water
- MC-170103 - Untamed wolves only beg for food while being angry and jumping
- MC-170907 - Network position deltas are processed relative to a wrong point
- MC-172031 - Throwing an ender pearl into a Nether or End portal often has no effect
- MC-175619 - Dispenser drops honey bottle unless empty slot is available
- MC-175729 - Walking on the edge of underwater soul soil with Depth Strider and Soul Speed doesn't show soul particles
- MC-177965 - Putting on/taking off soul speed boots while standing on soul sand/soil does not properly give speed
- MC-178383 - Horses, donkeys, mules and llamas spawned from spawn eggs or /summon command have 53 health
- MC-179940 - Player's attributes reset back to default values upon respawning
- MC-181604 - Exiting the end portal resets player attributes to their default values
- MC-182606 - When sneak-walking with Soul Speed on a Soul Sand or Soul Soil block (most noticeably) adjacent to lava, too many soul particles spawn
- MC-188693 - FOV doesn't change back when riding a mob after staying on Soul Sand with Soul Speed
- MC-189365 - Player can retain Soul Speed effect by bridging
- MC-191591 - Saddles lose their NBT data when equipped on horses, zombie horses, skeleton horses, mules or donkeys via right-clicking
- MC-193343 - Soul Speed effect remains after switching to spectator mode
- MC-195931 - Incorrect amount of damage heart particles shown when hitting some entities for the first time
- MC-200899 - Players don't receive thorns damage when attacking entities wearing thorns armor with indirect sweeping attacks
- MC-200991 - Soul Speed in minecart uses durability
- MC-213349 - Certain mobs that can melee can't use the Fire Aspect enchantment
- MC-215144 - A re-created "Default" world has world type of "Custom"
- MC-223165 - Snout banner pattern is treated as common loot
- MC-223301 - Goats not taking damage when attacking with Thorns armor equipped
- MC-224743 - Jumping on soul sand uses durability of Soul Speed boots
- MC-225312 - Evokers using evoker fangs are not affected by the Thorns enchantment
- MC-225870 - Breeding an axolotl in creative replaces the bucket of tropical fish
- MC-226894 - Entering the end while in water depletes hunger
- MC-228598 - Item count desync when firing an arrow while switching to a different hotbar slot
- MC-232770 - Entities receive knockback from incorrect directions when being damaged by firework explosions
- MC-234162 - The "" sound isn't played when adjusting sliders if the mouse cursor is released while not being held over them
- MC-234880 - Llama's unaffected by Thorns
- MC-237057 - The "minecraft:particle.soul_escape" sound is very rarely heard by other players when using boots enchanted with soul speed
- MC-237063 - Particles produced from using boots enchanted with soul speed are inconsistently displayed for other players
- MC-248272 - Enchantment::doPostHurt and Enchantment::doPostAttack are called twice for players
- MC-252361 - Obsidian platform in end is off by a block from entering from the nether compared to overworld
- MC-252691 - Player spawns on a bedrock layer when the world is first created as a SuperFlat world with non-full blocks on the surface
- MC-252817 - Placing a map into an item frame and removing it does not remove the green player marker
- MC-252846 - Mobs can pass through fences with carpets on top when growing up
- MC-253209 - Some mobs will no longer panic when receiving poison/wither damage
- MC-253457 - Cats and Ocelots are immune to Thorns damage
- MC-253791 - Frogs suffocating when growing
- MC-254004 - Falling Block Entities do not process their End Gateway Cooldown Timer
- MC-255218 - Fly mode is disabled after teleporting from the End to the Overworld through the end portal
- MC-258967 - Entities receive knockback from splash potions based on the direction that the said entity was facing when throwing the potion
- MC-259811 - Paintings with non-existent variant entity tag are falsely labeled as random variant
- MC-259987 - Damage command only issues knockback if it was done by an entity
- MC-260346 - Custom music discs cut off when vanilla disc would normally end
- MC-261701 - Lag spike when opening creative inventory for first time in world
- MC-262469 - The "Remote Getaway" advancement isn't granted upon traveling through end gateways while riding boats
- MC-265009 - Explosion knockback reduction caused by Blast Protection does not stack with several enchanted armor pieces
- MC-265088 - Onboarding Narrator button doesn't update upon pressing Ctrl+B
- MC-265583 - Incorrect pluralization for skin customization strings for pants
- MC-265818 - The "gamerule.doVinesSpread.description" string consists of grammatically incorrect word usage
- MC-266113 - Copper doors are in the #minecraft:wooden_doors tag
- MC-266118 - Copper doors are in the #minecraft:mineable/axe tag
- MC-266140 - The "Open link" button within the realms menu is improperly capitalized
- MC-266290 - Double doors do not automatically form between waxed and unwaxed copper doors, even of the same variant
- MC-266431 - Trial chambers intersect with the bedrock layer
- MC-266471 - Trial chambers can intersect aquifers, causing some blocks inside the structure to be waterlogged
- MC-266556 - Trial spawner cannot be activated in peaceful difficulty
- MC-266586 - Trial chambers can spawn directly inside the deep dark biome
- MC-266626 - Breeze doesn't stop attacking the player when it enters on the same team
- MC-267050 - Chat disabled strings are missing verbs
- MC-267071 - The word "packs" within the "download.pack.failed" string is always pluralized
- MC-267154 - Using an Eye of Ender plays the minecraft:entity.ender_eye.launch sound event twice
- MC-267230 - Hangul fonts are rendered with missing pixels
- MC-267441 - When a player's generic.step_height attribute is set to more than two, attempting to step atop of more than two blocks may fail if there are blocks higher up
- MC-267474 - Strings referencing the player's off hand are inconsistently spelled
- MC-267498 - Operation names in /attribute and item modifiers' set_attributes are different
- MC-267947 - Ender pearls can teleport players in spectator mode
- MC-267951 - The game freezes and eventually crashes when creating a world with the "spawnChunkRadius" gamerule set to high values
- MC-267954 - World upgrade and downgrade realms strings are improperly capitalized
- MC-267967 - Breezes ignore the deflects_projectiles entity type tag
- MC-267968 - Medium slimes from trial chamber spawners take damage incorrectly when first hit
- MC-267981 - The "Trial Spawner crackles" subtitle is only displayed for a split second upon the "minecraft:block.trial_spawner.ambient" sound being played
- MC-267988 - Tamed entities ignore their "LookAtPlayerGoal" distance and look in the direction of their owners from any distance when being stood up
- MC-268023 - The "selectWorld.experimental.details.title" string displayed within the experimental features details menu is improperly capitalized
- MC-268106 - Entities' current health is not capped at their max health in all applicable situations
- MC-268113 - the minecraft:generic.scale attribute is desynchronized when the player leaves the End dimension via an End portal
- MC-268185 - Copper grates in trial chambers are waterlogged
- MC-268347 - Setting gravity higher than 0.84 allows you to jump up a block
- MC-268367 - Arrows repeatedly bouncing off a breeze spam sound
- MC-268369 - Wind charges delete arrows without blowing up
- MC-268370 - Japanese CJK variants use the same diacritic
- MC-268438 - Baby armadillos can still eat while rolled up
- MC-268551 - When a wind charge is fired from a dispenser, it makes a "dispensed item" sound instead of a "Wind Charge flies" sound
- MC-268564 - Entities receive knockback from incorrect directions when being hit by projectiles deflected by breezes
- MC-268598 - The "weight" of skeletons in swamp biomes is too high causing less bogged spawns
- MC-268772 - Fall damage multiplier attribute has unintuitive coloring
- MC-269034 - Wolves no longer teleport while trying to pathfind out of Lava
- MC-269036 - Bogged do not drop mushrooms when sheared with doMobLoot false
- MC-269147 - Shearing a bogged spawns mushrooms at the bogged's feet
- MC-269318 - Books placed on a lectern in creative mode are consumed
- MC-269351 - The Bolt Armor Trim cannot be duplicated with Waxed Copper Block
- MC-269359 - "Field Masoned", "Skull Charge", "Flow", and "Guster" banner patterns are not mirrored on the backside
- MC-269370 - Sharp lag spike caused by incorrect upper limit on particles created by mace smash attack
- MC-269389 - Flow banner pattern is treated as common loot
- MC-269390 - Guster banner pattern is treated as common loot
- MC-269439 - Some diacritics intersect the language box in the languages menu
- MC-269460 - Thorns enchantment doesn't work when entities are hit by wind charges
- MC-269574 - Client attribute values may desync from the server after leaving the end
- MC-269601 - Mace smash attack does not knock back other players when they are not the attacked entity
- MC-269617 - When ender pearls teleport non-player entities, no teleportation sound is played upon impact
- MC-269633 - Placing an oversized filled bucket resets the stack size to 1
- MC-269642 - Eating an oversized Soup / Stew resets the stack size to 1
- MC-269674 - Oversized book and quill stacks reset count when signed
- MC-269685 - Buckets are lost when consuming oversized milk buckets
- MC-269686 - Oversized music disc stacks can be duplicated with jukeboxes
- MC-269708 - Dispensers using an oversized stack of Water Bottles resets the stack size to 1
- MC-269717 - Cauldron deletes overstacked tinted shulker boxes
- MC-269809 - Feeding an axolotl an oversized tropical fish bucket resets the stack size to 1
- MC-269881 - Flow and Bolt Armor Trims don't grant "Crafting a New Look" advancement
- MC-269921 - Wind charges can be thrown though corners
- MC-269951 - When the gamerule "doImmediateRespawn" is set to true, the Wind Charged, Oozing or Weaving effects don't function for players
- MC-269958 - New effects are not required for the "How Did We Get Here?" advancement
- MC-269964 - Ominous item spawners are missing an NBT load for spawn_item_after_ticks
- MC-269966 - "A Furious Cocktail" Advancement does not require the new potion effects
- MC-269969 - Using a normal trial key on the ominous vault grants Under Lock and Key advancement
- MC-269978 - The centrial dispenser in eruption trial chamber is missing a water bucket
- MC-269988 - New potion effects don't apply their respective behaviors when creeper explodes
- MC-270021 - Drinking a single ominous bottle in survival doesn't grant bad omen with the correct amplifier
- MC-270024 - When drinking ominous bottles, bad omen of higher levels can be overriden by lower amplifiers
- MC-270031 - Arrows spawned from ominous trial spawner can be picked up
- MC-270033 - Infested or Oozing effect cloud shrinks when silverfish or slime enters it
- MC-270047 - Axes prioritize scraping copper over blocking with shields
- MC-270052 - Blur levels below 10% do not appear to actually work
- MC-270181 - Wind charges go through an entity if it is close to a player
- MC-270216 - Mace smash attack particles cannot be reduced with the Particles setting
- MC-270278 - "Who needs rockets?" is granted at heights lower than 8 blocks when using slow falling
- MC-270296 - Ominous Item Spawner spawns unstackable arrows with potion effects
- MC-270301 - The fire protection enchantment applied to horse armor no longer decreases the duration of time the horse remains ablaze
- MC-270377 - Wind charges can be hit and redirected the moment they are thrown
- MC-270379 - Buttons and Levers don't make sounds when toggled by Wind Charges
- MC-270499 - Riptide trident in off-hand applies mace effects in main hand
- MC-270539 - The blast protection enchantment, when applied to horse armor, no longer diminishes the knockback effect from explosions on horse
- MC-270540 - The prevention of fall damage from wind charges is not retained upon reloading the world
- MC-270572 - Programmer Art resource pack duplicates some GUI texture files
- MC-270573 - Mounted entities are immune to wind charge damage
- MC-270584 - Vault/Ominous Vault loot isn't predetermined, allowing players to create backups of their worlds to get desired rewards
- MC-270588 - Hitting Wind Charges and Fireballs makes no sound
- MC-270635 - Trial spawners textures are inconsistent
- MC-270637 - maxEntityCramming set to 0 prevents slime spawning from oozing effect
- MC-270649 - The width of challenge advancements header is calculated in relation to the slash formatting of progress counter, causing overlap in some languages
- MC-270682 - modify_contents item modifier can create overstacked items
- MC-270684 - set_attributes loot function doesn't accept an empty list
- MC-270749 - Remote Getaway advancement is not granted when entering a gateway by throwing an ender pearl next to it
- MC-270779 - Getting data with /data command from a block/chest with a large amount of data can cause the game to crash
- MC-270789 - Only mace smash attacks increment "Times Used" stat
- MC-270791 - Mace smash attack can knockback tamed mobs
- MC-270795 - Mobs despawned by Ominous Trial Spawners can delete picked up items
- MC-270808 - Any item in the armor.body slot protects wolves from taking damage
- MC-270818 - Data generator items report is not deterministic
- MC-270821 - Regular Trial Spawners spawn the first mob with Ominous Trial equipment if they were last active as Ominous
- MC-270849 - Breeze can extinguish lit candles when mobGriefing is false
- MC-270926 - "foodSaturationLevel" can be negative
- MC-270934 - Missing trial chamber structure minecraft:trial_chambers/chamber/addon/c6
- MC-270965 - The data type of the "minecraft:custom_data" component of the recipe result will be forcibly modified
- MC-270974 - Breeze wind charges can change activation blockstates of redstone components when mobGriefing is disabled
- MC-270977 - Breezes don't make deflection sounds
- MC-270981 - View Bobbing toggle is not available in Accessibility Settings
- MC-271001 - Items in a container can be given a count above 99 (to max integer), and can crash the world
- MC-271005 - Knowledge books with a max stack size over 1 consume all items in the stack when used
- MC-271026 - Components that set a status effect sometimes lose parts of the data
- MC-271034 - List entries in the Social interaction menu are rendered over the background
- MC-271039 - Upgrading to 1.20.5 leads to the removal of all enchantments if item had the "sweeping" enchantment without namespace
- MC-271094 - Entity ID inside EntityTag is ignored when updating a world to 1.20.5
- MC-271157 - "Telemetry is disabled" tooltip does not get updated when the client locale changes
- MC-271159 - Banner pattern entries without colors are invalidated when upgrading to 1.20.5
- MC-271168 - Demo timer does not respect "Text Background" setting
- MC-271170 - Unexpected error when modifying skull's custom name to an invalid value
- MC-271199 - Advancement 'Local Brewery' not granted on shift-clicking
- MC-271244 - Auto-save text does not respect "Text Background" setting in accessibility settings
- MC-271293 - Wind charge, fireball and shulker bullet makes a "Burning" sound as it passes through the lava
- MC-271353 - Crafting UI flickers incorrect or blank recipes when choosing items from the recipe book
- MC-271360 - Horse armor and wolf armor are deleted when used on an armor stand
- MC-271414 - Damage command at position applies knockback in random direction
- MC-271897 - End Portal makes items disappear
- MC-271980 - Arrows/bee stingers stuck in players disappear when leaving the end
- MC-272014 - Ender Dragon death animation is broken since 20w22a (and broken again in 20w45a)
- MC-272073 - Item displays with billboard and rotation values create major visual bug
- MC-272079 - Medium/small Slimes and magma cube's attack reach is too short
- MC-272194 - Empty Attribute Modifiers lost during upgrade
- MC-272198 - Shulkers' models sometimes appear offset upon end city generation
- MC-272241 - Error when traveling through nether portal outside world border
- MC-272253 - The strength of the riptide enchantment is increased when holding tridents enchanted with riptide in both hands
- MC-272267 - "Changes the blurriness of menu background" lacks punctuation
- MC-272279 - Resource packs containing TrueType fonts fail to load on x64 macOS systems
- MC-272308 - Axolots can be attached to new leads when being already leashed
- MC-272445 - Command blocks made from Ctrl + Pick Block do not activate on first try
- MC-272469 - When the wind charge, fireball or shulker bullet is in the lava, it will continue to make a high-loudness noise
- MC-272515 - Component-Modified Saddles get their components wiped when dispensed onto a horse, mule, or camel.
- MC-272808 - Step height steps too high when there's a gap the player can fit through
- MC-272996 - Using "/execute in..." to switch dimensions causes the player to fall when flying
Get the Release
To install the Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play! Make sure your Launcher is set to the "Latest Release” option.
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