Welcome to the fifth and final voyage in our time machine, friends, this time to a year a little closer to home! Today we’re shuttling back to June 2021, the year that cliffs erupted and caves got drippy. The year that the allay was voted into the Overworld, and axolotls splished their first splashes. It was also the year that imaginative Marketplace creators let you Morph into Mobs, brought Overpowered Weapons to your screens and filled the Overworld with More Ores! So let’s dive in shall we, and discover the content that set trends, broke records, and made me throw a controller at my screen with a terrified shriek.

Marketplace Fan Favorites: Year 5
When zombies invaded, weapons were magic and more!

What’s scarier than a horde of zombies groaning at your gates? Nothing, in my book, which is why Zombie Apocolypse Bunker is pretty high on my list of AHH-dventures. In this epic survival story, you and your friends role play against some super tough zombies that can withstand sunlight. I asked Khubeb from KA Studios if he had any tips for scaredy-cats like me, and he said:
“This map is designed to be a fun, relaxed bunker base with tall walls to protect the players from zombies.”
I’m never relaxed when zombies are near, as my flying controller can testify, but the base is super cool. There’s even a secret, hidden bunker! Inside you’ll find everything you need to fight off your foes, including awesome armor and handy weaponry. Now if only those chests contained some courage, I’d be all set…
For more awesome bases, check out Craftable Secure Houses by Meatball Inc, which was also a fan favorite this year!
Custom Hearts
By Glowfischdesigns

As someone notoriously bad at Survival mode, I often see my hearts flashing before my eyes, but Glowfischdesigns’ hearts are a little different! Each heart you unlock does something a little different to protect you from bumps in the night: from increasing your knockback damage, to summoning companions to help you fight. What’s cooler is that when you stack your crafted hearts together, you can discover something truly awesome! Glowfischdesigns explains:
“Stacking hearts upon hearts can create some hilarious chain of effects. Seeing your whole screen explode is a sight to behold and, in our experience, never gets old! When we were making Custom Hearts we accidentally added multiple logic entities, which resulted in hearts being triggered an infinite number of times. The game was faithfully trying its best to keep going, but it was utter chaos on the screen! The laughter from the sheer pandemonium of it all still sticks with me to this day!”
For more awesome tweaks to your Overworld, why not try Armor Expansion by Kubo Studios!
By Honeyfrost

The awesome thing about Marketplace is it fills your Overworld with creatures, structures, and mobs that you can’t otherwise find. You wanna ride a dragon? Easy! Drive a plane through blocky clouds? Done! Run from mutant zombies? Sprint away! Do you want to do all these things at the same time as furnishing your house, becoming a ninja, taming dinosaurs, mining lucky blocks, and more? Honeyfrost has you covered in Multipack, a world so stuffed with awesomeness that it’s no wonder it was a fan favorite last year!
“Everyone wants to add several mods to their world all at once. We saw this as a challenge we needed to overcome, and filled this map with as many mods possible. In Multipack, you can have a plane, a car, and a T-rex, all at once!”
I for one am super excited to finally be able to test which is a more efficient mode of transport: a car, or a dinosaur? Perhaps they’ll be the same speed, seeing as they both run on fossil fuels?
Magic Weapons & more
By Logdotzip

Sure, swords are cool, but you know what’s cooler? A frost sword! Awful puns aside, in this fan-favorite from Logdotzip you can wield 30+ magical weapons, don six custom armor sets and even nab yourself a brave new steed as you ride into battle against hordes of enemies. Given the tumbleweeds that my jokes usually warrant, I think I’ll help the Forge Master make the wind staff first, so I can blow people away metaphorically, if not with my comedic prowess. I wonder if Logdotzip has any helpful advice?
“Before diving into one of our fan-favorite maps like Craftee Crafting, players only need to remember to express their creativity and play the maps however they want! All of our maps can be played in survival or adventure mode for more of a challenge, but players should play in whatever mode is the most fun for them and allows them to express that creativity!”
That was just the boost I needed, Logdotzip. Thank you. I will keep expressing my creativity in the form of awful puns. If you’d like to express yourself in different ways, then don’t miss Ultra Modern Texture Pack by Cyclone, Furniture: Modern 2 from Spark Universe or DragonFire 2 : Nations by Spectral Studios!
Weapons Unlimited
By Starfish Studios

If the previous map wasn’t weapon-filled enough for you, then perhaps I can tempt you with Weapons Unlimited from Starfish Studios – a hugely popular adventure where you can craft thousands of different weapons to defend yourself and your base! With so many unique weapons, I wondered how Starfish didn’t run out of ideas! They said:
Starfish Studios“There are over 2400 new custom weapons in Weapons Unlimited, 2413 in total to be exact! Customize to your liking by choosing from the different materials, weapon types, and special effects. We originally added over 12,000 new weapons to Weapons Unlimited, but when we tested this for the first time it took us so long to scroll through the Creative mode inventory that we decided to cut back a little.”
Well, goodness! If Starfish can come up 12,000 unique weapons I could probably come up with at least one better joke, but let’s tackle that another day. For now, these wonderful Marketplace creators have gifted us some of their hard-won wisdom!
Blocks of Inspiration
As this is the last installment of our fan favorites series, it feels fitting to think about where we began and where we are now. So we asked our creators to do the same, and to use some of this experience to give the budding creators amongst you some advice:
Logdotzip: “We've been building maps since around August 2017, and our creations have grown so much since our beginning! Through innovations in available features, modeling options, and many more technical aspects, we can now have custom items, powers, companions, sprites, entities, and much more that are leaps and bounds ahead of what we could create even six months ago, let alone when we first started! My advice for aspiring creators is to keep having fun and keep making the kind of content you love to see from other creators.”
Having fun is something that KA Studios agrees with, although he also has some very sound advice on the dangers of llamas:
KA Studios: "I remember having to remake my entire map once because one of the levels had a room full of TNT’s with pressure plates on top of them, and the idea was that the players had to cross that level by finding a hidden route. However, when I finished the level, I forgot to make a backup, and a wandering trader spawned near the level, and the llamas walked right on the pressure plate, exploding almost the entire map! So have a backup, and don't forget to have a good time while you're doing it! The most important aspect is that if you enjoy making it, the players will enjoy playing it. "
Speaking of mistakes, Paul from Honeyfrost can relate:
Paul from Honeyfrost“We've been building maps since around August 2017, and our creations have grown so much since our beginning! Through innovations in available features, modeling options, and many more technical aspects, we can now have custom items, powers, companions, sprites, entities, and much more that are leaps and bounds ahead of what we could create even six months ago, let alone when we first started! My advice for aspiring creators is to keep having fun and keep making the kind of content you love to see from other creators.”
Plus, Glowfishdesigns has some advice on staying grounded when building expansive maps:
Glowfischdesigns : “The biggest advice we can give is to look at your build from the players' point of view. Don't fly, but walk around as if you were a player, checking all the places up close to add detail where needed. This is how players experience your map, and it's easy to forget this while flying around and focusing on the bigger picture!
That’s a wrap on our fan favorites, friends! What a fabulous five weeks we’ve had exploring all the incredible maps released since June 2017 and meeting the imaginative creators behind them. If you missed the previous years, you can hop back in the time machine now to visit Fan Favorites: Year One, Year Two, Year Three and Year Four! Otherwise, don’t worry about missing me too much, I’ll be back next week with some exciting news. See you then!
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