In 1863, a German chemist named Julius Wilbrand was playing around with some chemicals (side note: don't play with chemicals) when he created a new, previously-undiscovered compound. He called it "trinitrotoluene", and its bright yellow colour led him to suggest that it could be used as a dye. It took 28 years until another chemist, Carl Häussermann, discovered that it was also an impressive explosive. Did he discover this after dyeing all his clothes with it, then giving someone the deadliest hug of all time? Hopefully not!
Today, we know trinitrotoluene by its shortened form - TNT – a far catchier name for our Block of the Week! Tom always thought 'TNT' stood for 'Tom's Nap Time' which is just one of the many reasons why we don't let Tom write Block of the Week anymore.
TNT is probably the most dangerous block in Minecraft. It was added on 24 October 2009 alongside mossy cobblestone, obsidian and bookshelves, and initially you could hit it once to begin detonation and hit it again to cancel. In 2010 it became craftable, but since then it hasn't changed too much - mostly fixing bugs in the explosion physics.
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