Real-world pistons are somewhat unlike the pistons in Minecraft. They're a component of combustion engines, which drive cars and other moving objects. When the fuel in the engine is ignited, the force of the explosion is captured by the piston and used to turn a crankshaft, creating rotation. They're also found in pumps, where they can be used to suck fluids from one place to another. “Man, that piston really sucks. Good job!” is a joke you should make to people who work on engines for a living. I'm sure they'll find it really funny! After they've finished never speaking to you again.
With some experimentation, you'll find that there are a few blocks that Minecraft pistons can't push. Obsidian and bedrock are too heavy. So are command blocks, and End portals. There are other blocks that can be pushed but not pulled, like terracotta, and yet more that break when they're pushed. The effects differ slightly between versions, so test the component parts of any new machine carefully before you build it, especially if it's using a more unusual block.
In fact, with two pistons, two blocks of redstone, two slime blocks and a sticky piston it's even possible to make a flying machine. There are some great tutorials on the Minecraft Wiki on how to do it. Send us your most impressive piston-based aircraft to, and perhaps we'll feature them in the future!
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