Update Sep 19, 2023: The migration of Mojang accounts has now been completed. It is no longer possible to migrate unmigrated accounts or make the move. For more information, check out our FAQ.
Since 2021, millions of Java Edition players have switched over from their old accounts to Microsoft accounts. We’re happy that so many of you are already enjoying benefits like a single account for all Minecraft games, two-factor authentication, improved player safety – and of course, capes! Even better, Mojang Account holders automatically got access to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for Windows upon migrating to a Microsoft Account as a bonus! What could be better? Dinnerbone’s hat? What is he hiding under there anyway? His old account? We digress!
However, the move wasn’t meant to last, and the migration period is now coming to a close. Starting September 19, 2023, at 11:00 am EST/17:00 pm CEST, unmigrated Mojang accounts will not be able to sign in to Minecraft.net or the Minecraft Launcher to migrate. We’re doing this to ensure that everyone is playing using accounts with improved security and player safety. In addition, starting September 19, 2023, Minecraft Support will no longer be able to assist in any MSA migration-related tickets.
If you’re reading this and still haven’t switched to a Microsoft account yet, make sure you migrate before the deadline to keep your account, access Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for Windows, and claim your free cape!
The migration process only takes a couple of minutes and all of your data, including your username, progress, creations, and skins will still be there. For more information, you can check out our Java migration FAQ as well as how-to articles to guide you through every step of the process.
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