Enabling this will allow you to test some of the new, not-yet-fully-released features from the Update Aquatic while keeping them safely inside a world file of their own. These are not all of the Update Aquatic features coming to Minecraft; more features will be introduced in future betas! Please be aware that once you have turned the toggle on, you will not be able to toggle it off as this could cause problems with your world. This world option is not considered a cheat and you can still earn achievements if your world is set-up to allow achievements. These features are incomplete and are not representative of final gameplay but feedback is absolutely welcome! Please keep in mind that using Experimental Gameplay will make your game more unstable, so we recommend to not do anything you want to be permanent in worlds with this feature switched on.
But if you do choose to select this 'Use Experimental Gameplay' option in one of your existing worlds, it creates a new version of this world with 'EX' at the beginning of the name. So if you have problems with the new version of your world with the experimental gameplay features enabled (that's the one with EX in the title), don't panic! You can always go back to the original version of that world.
Enjoy trying out those new Update Aquatic features! Oh and Java players, we haven't forgotten about you – go here to see the latest Snapshot.
Shall we end on the changelog and a gallery of screenshots of what you can expect to find in the beta? Or shall we end on a poem I wrote about how much I like cobblestone? Yikes, let's go with the former:
Dela denna story