- The data pack format is now 10
- The resource pack format is now 9
- Added the ability for data and resource packs to selectively hide files from packs below them
- Added kill_mob_near_sculk_catalyst advancement trigger
- Added thrown_item_picked_up_by_player advancement trigger
- Added allay_drop_item_on_block advancement trigger
- Added avoid_vibration advancement trigger
- Removed field location from triggers location, slept_in_bed, hero_of_the_village and voluntary_exile - it was handled exactly the same as player.location
- Some mutually exclusive tests in entity predicate (player, fishing_hook, lightning_bolt and catType) have been collapsed to the type_specific field
- Removed the placefeature command
- Added the place command
- The locate command is now moved to locate structure, locatebiome is moved to locate biome
- Added locate poi <type: point_of_interest_type>
- Added the loot table function set_instrument
- The bundled Java runtime has been updated to 17.0.3
- The M1 ARM64 architecture is now supported
- LWJGL library has been updated to version 3.3.1
- Banner patterns available in the Loom can now be controlled with tags (banner_pattern/no_item_required for no pattern item and banner_pattern/pattern_item/* for specific banner pattern items)
- Added new font glyph provider for spaces
- Added new game events
- Renamed some game events
- CatType fields on enitites with type minecraft:cat have been replaced with variant, with numeric values being replaced with string ids (so, for example, 5 becomes minecraft:calico)
- The type of the field Id in the mob effect structure (for example, in the ActiveEffects list on entities) has been changed from byte to int
- Added minecraft:darkness mob effect
- Added sonic_explosion particle
- World presets/types and flat world presets in the “Create World” screen can now be controlled by datapacks
- Servers can now enable Chat Preview, which displays a server-controlled preview above the chat edit box
- Servers can now define different chat style formats for clients
- Added server property max-chained-neighbor-updates to limit the amount of consecutive neighbor updates before skipping additional ones
- Negative values remove the limit
- Servers will now also send an additional icon and MOTD packet after a player has connected
- This allows servers with enable-status=false to set an icon and MOTD for players that successfully connect
New triggers
- Triggered when an Allay drops an item on a block
- Conditions:
- a predicate for the player who gave the Allay the item to collect
- a predicate for the block that the item was dropped on
- a predicate for the item that was dropped
- Triggered when a vibration event is ignored because the source player is holding the sneak key
- Conditions:
- a player for which this trigger runs
- Triggered when a player kills an entity next to a Sculk Catalyst
- Conditions:
- a predicate for the player killing the entity
- a predicate for the entity that was killed
- a predicate for how the entity was killed
- Triggered when a player picks up an item that was thrown by an entity
- Conditions:
- a predicate for the player picking up the item
- a predicate for the entity that threw the item
- a predicate for the item
- Blending now supports 3D biome blending, which blends the underground biomes as well as the overground biomes
- Removed
, now existence of blending_data
in chunk data determines if a chunk is considered old
- Added
and blending_data.max_section
that determines which section data that will be used for blending
Chat Preview
- Servers can enable Chat Preview by setting
- Custom servers can enable or disable chat preview for certain clients by sending a new network packet
- When enabled, a server-controlled preview appears above the chat edit box, showing how the message will look when sent
- A preview is also shown for chat-related commands, such as
and /msg
- This can be used by servers to preview messages with styling applied, such as emojis or chat coloring
- Chat Preview sends chat messages to the server as they are typed, even before they’re sent
- The server then sends back the styled preview in real time
- This allows servers to apply dynamic message stylings while still allowing chat to be securely signed
- A warning screen is shown on the client when joining a server with Chat Preview, and it can be globally disabled in Chat Settings
Chat Types
- Different chat style formats can now be controlled by the server through the
- These are synchronized to clients when they join the server
- The translation key or translation format can be defined, like
or %s says: "%s"
- Chat can be similarly optionally narrated with a custom translation key or format
- The entire message can have formatting applied, such as italics or a specific color (but currently not click or hover events)
New command that replaces placefeature
and can place features, jigsaws, structures, and templates at a given location. Syntax:
place feature <feature> [pos]
place jigsaw <pool> <start> <depth> [pos]
place structure <structure> [pos]
place template <template> [pos] [rotation] [mirror] [integrity] [seed]
place feature
works like placefeature
used to work
place jigsaw
works like using the generate button in the UI of a Jigsaw Block
place template
works like using the load button in the UI of a Structure Block
place structure
generates a full structure, matching how structures generate during world generation
: The namespaced id of a configured feature to try to place
: The namespaced id of a structure to try to generate
: The namespaced id of a template (“structure block file”) to load and place
: The namespaced id of a template pool to start generating
: The namespaced id name of a jigsaw to use as the starting anchor
: The maximum number of jigsaw connections to traverse during placement
: The position to use as the origin for the generation (if omitted, ~ ~ ~
is used)
: The rotation to apply (if omitted, none
is used)
: The mirroring to apply (if omitted, none
is used)
: The structure integrity value between 0 and 1
: The seed to use for the randomized degradation when integrity is less than 1
- Added a heap memory allocation metric to the F3 debug screen
- Added estimated GPU utilization percentage to performance profiling metrics and the F3 debug screen
- This is only available for graphics devices that support GPU timer queries
- Removed the debug hotkey that cycles the render distance
Game Events
Added Events
with a vibration frequency of 5
with a vibration frequency of 6
with a vibration frequency of 15
Combined Events
The following events have been collapsed into block_activate
and block_deactivate
Other Changes
Other miscellaneous changes to game events:
has been removed and replaced with block_change
- Both
and shulker_close
have been removed in favour of using container_open
and container_close
and fishing_rod_reel_in
have been renamed to item_interact_start
and item_interact_finish
is not detectable as a vibration to allow more specific actions be detected, like drink
or eat
, but item_interact_finish
should be dispatched more often when interacting with various mobs
- Added the
block tag that that includes all Wool and Wool Carpet blocks, to indicate blocks that will not trigger when placed, broken, or stepped on
- Renamed item tag
to dampens_vibrations
item tag as well
Renamed Events
Some game events have been renamed, with some of those changes to make them more gramatically consistent:
-> drink
-> entity_die
-> entity_damage
-> elytra_glide
-> entity_interact
-> entity_roar
-> entity_shake
Game Rules
- Added
game rule
Loot Tables
New functions
Sets the item tags needed for instrument items to a randomly selected instrument from a tag
- a tag reference specifying the instrument options to randomly pick from
Multiplayer Secure Chat Signing
- Chat messages between players are now cryptographically signed
- The message arguments to
, /msg
, /teammsg
, and /me
commands are all also signed
- Players are given a Mojang provided key-pair on startup
- Servers can require players to have a Mojang-signed public key by setting
- Enforcing secure profiles will prevent players without a Mojang-signed public key from connecting
- By default this is set to
, allowing players to connect without a Mojang-signed public key
- Static chat styling can now be controlled by the server through the
registry, or with server resource packs as before
- Dynamic chat styling can also be controlled by the server, although this is only signed when Chat Preview is enabled
- Clients can prefer to always show the original, signed message by enabling “Only Show Secure Chat” in Chat Settings
- Chat from players still using Mojang Accounts is not signed
- Their messages will not show for players with “Only Show Secure Chat” enabled
- They may be unable to join server with the
option enabled
Pack filters
- Data and resource packs can have
section in pack.mcmeta
- This section has mandatory field
, which is a list of patterns (regular expressions) for namespaces and paths
- If any of the files in packs are added before one with
, the section will match any pattern inside block
, and it will then be filtered out (i.e. treated as if it wasn’t present in the first place)
section does not apply to a pack containing it - only to packs loaded before it
- Both
and path
can be omitted
- Missing field matches every value
- For example, adding a pack with this section in
after the vanilla pack will hide all the recipes and advancements defined by the vanilla pack
"filter": {
"block": [
"namespace": "minecraft",
"path": "recipes/.*"
"namespace": "minecraft",
"path": "advancements/.*"
- Paintings that are placeable in survival can now be controlled with the
- Added unused paintings from Bedrock edition (
, wind
, fire
, water
- These paintings are not placeable by default, but can be added through a datapack
Point of Interest types
- Removed
and nitwit
- Added tag
for all job sites seeked by villagers with none
- Added tag
for PoI that are part of village
- Added tag
for all PoI targeted by bees
- The
field in location predicates is now called structure
Entity predicate
, fishing_hook
, lightning_bolt
and catType
fields have been replaced with type_specific
has field type
(one of player
, fishing_hook
, lightning_bolt
or cat
) and same fields as removed fields
has been wrapped to match new format and now uses new cat variant names instead of texture names:
- New
has variant
field matching Frog variant (minecraft:warm
, minecraft:temperate
or minecraft:cold
applies for Slimes and Magma Cubes, has size
field matching Slime size (smallest is 1
"catType": "minecraft:textures/entity/cat/british_shorthair.png"
"type_specific": {
"type_specific": {
"type": "cat",
"variant": "minecraft:british"
"lightning_bolt": {
"blocks_set_on_fire": 0
"type_specific": {
"type": "lightning",
"blocks_set_on_fire": 0
Space glyph provider
- The new glyph provider type
is added to allow creation of space-like glyphs
- The new provider has a single argument called
which is a map of codepoint to glyph advance (width)
- The rendering of space glyph is no longer hardcoded (needs to be declared manually in font)
World presets
- New registry types
and worldgen/flat_level_generator_preset
have been added to configure data-driven presets (like “Amplified” or “Single Biome”)
- Two tags for world presets have been added (
and alternative
) to control which values show on the “World Type” button in the “Create World” screen
- One tag has been added (
) for flat world presets to control the order that elements are displayed in the “Configure Flat World” screen
- World presets can also be used as a value of
Fixed Bugs in 1.19
- MC-11783 - Stacking snow lighting inconsistency (smooth lighting)
- MC-13103 - Texture Z-Fighting at Wolf/Dog/Cat snout
- MC-45838 - Certain chat messages exceed 32767 byte limit and disconnect clients
- MC-51418 - Changing brightness/gamma above in-game limit using options.txt
- MC-53312 - Illager/(zombie) villager/witch robes don't render the last two rows of pixels
- MC-67308 - Door top and side textures flip illogically when opened and closed
- MC-74211 - Door placed in spawn protection only half disappears
- MC-81870 - Editing entitydata of Painting does not reflect ingame until chunk reload
- MC-85780 - Rapidly swapping hands with a door or double flower can cause half door/double flower
- MC-88677 - High FoV (manually changed in options.txt) causes X-ray effect
- MC-91364 - Mob loot cannot be specified for small magma cube and big/medium slime
- MC-94060 - Equipping armor/elytra through inventory or dispenser doesn't play sounds
- MC-94161 - Boat paddles in the inventory are oak instead of their respective wood type
- MC-95103 - Shield item rendering not adjusted to the center
- MC-99930 - Brewing stand extends arms and inverts its texture when bottles are placed
- MC-100923 - Entities with knockback resistance can get knocked back using Punch
- MC-106510 - Long structure names (over 64 characters) do not fit in the Structure Block GUI
- MC-106627 - Leather cap texture overlay doesn't align correctly
- MC-109055 - Large Cocoa Pod texture is inconsistent
- MC-111809 - Paintings unrender when entity data is updated rapidly
- MC-121376 - Cannot bind "caps" key in control settings
- MC-122421 - On Linux, simultaneously pressing two keys introduces a delay for one of the keys pressed
- MC-124984 - Command syntax help does not recognize invalid tags
- MC-127885 - The textures on the spider models aren't mirrored properly
- MC-131740 - Re-running the data generator in the same folder causes previously generated -reports and- .snbt files to be deleted
- MC-132428 - Client-side block model (of fences, iron bars, walls ...) is not updated when placement is cancelled
- MC-134158 - Doors open one half when they fail to open / desync when interacting with a door
- MC-134546 - Mouse won't move first couple seconds after you open your inventory
- MC-134892 - PacketBuffer.writeString's max length is in bytes, while readString is in characters
- MC-136188 - # disappears from item/block tag suggestions, but not function/entity tag suggestions
- MC-141064 - Cleric collar z-fighting
- MC-143209 - All mobs with passengers float in the air, but not horses with passengers
- MC-147686 - Joining a world that uses custom resources shows default resources until fully loaded
- MC-148795 - Ghost blocks can occasionally be created when placing scaffolding too quickly
- MC-149805 - While editing a book, you cannot use Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End to jump to the beginning or end of the text
- MC-157020 - /fill fails when removing large amounts of blocks under redstone
- MC-158668 - Vex continue to attack their target after it has been killed
- MC-159349 - Bottom half of door is missing when an entity is passing through while placing it
- MC-165036 - Boss bars with the notched style are rendered incorrectly if more than one boss bar is active
- MC-165503 - Fence gates (between walls) aren't affected by ambient occlusion/smooth lighting
- MC-165990 - Crafting bamboo into scaffolding gives you 8 times the furnace fuel for free
- MC-166437 - Interaction with multi-blocks in spawn protection creates desync
- MC-166686 - Villagers with taiga outfits show Z-fighting around their neck
- MC-172550 - Ghost blocks sometimes appear when insta-mining
- MC-173020 - Minecarts can't pickup entities at some heights
- MC-176081 - Striders with NoAI still get cold
- MC-176621 - Entity spawn packets use integers for yaw and pitch instead of bytes
- MC-176840 - Ores no longer drop experience when blown up
- MC-177321 - Soul sand doesn't have smooth lighting / ambient occlusion
- MC-179447 - More than six banner patterns can be added to a banner
- MC-179916 - Foxes path towards origin (0,0) during a thunderstorm
- MC-183309 - Player reach is different for client and server when crawling
- MC-183520 - Phantoms with NoAI can go through blocks
- MC-186148 - "death.attack.witherSkull.item" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
- MC-186851 - "death.attack.sting.item" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
- MC-187188 - Painting NBT and registry contain a typo: "Motive" instead of "Motif"
- MC-189214 - Modifying the type compound of the end dimension erases the dragon fight
- MC-189897 - Game hangs while loading world saves when entering the singleplayer world selection menu
- MC-190661 - Pressing Esc or using the Cancel button in the "Experimental Settings" warning returns to main menu
- MC-195468 - World Generation Settings not working on dedicated server
- MC-195717 - Custom Dimensions JSON Requires Seed
- MC-197647 - Players cannot jump off the edge of blocks when sneaking if they have a block above
- MC-197854 - Cannot use Ctrl+Backspace to delete entire words in Edit sign GUI
- MC-200282 - Players with knockback resistance cannot be knocked off of edges when sneaking
- MC-200661 - Trying to dye a sheep that is 6 blocks above you plays hand animation (and dye sound)
- MC-201150 - Unused pixels in end rod texture
- MC-201626 - Taking saddle off of a horse makes the horse move
- MC-202319 - Dedicated server text filter does not apply to all messages
- MC-202580 - Transition between end stone texture and end portal frame is not as seamless as it previously was
- MC-202940 - Hand animation plays although item frame is out of reach
- MC-207260 - Casting issue: Sculk vibrations come from the wrong positions at high coordinates
- MC-207268 - Sculk sensors don't detect stripping logs, tilling dirt, or pathing grass
- MC-207289 - Sculk sensor wool occlusion has directional bias
- MC-207522 - Sculk sensors don't react to horses kicking
- MC-207635 - Sculk sensors react differently to wool occlusion depending on the global direction.
- MC-207935 - Simultaneous vibrations don't trigger as expected
- MC-208597 - Boats ridden over wool are detected by sculk sensor
- MC-208759 - Sculk Sensor's 'block placed' doesn't trigger with villagers placing crops
- MC-208760 - Sculk Sensor's 'block placed' doesn't trigger when snow golems place snow layers
- MC-208761 - Sculk Sensor's 'block destroyed' doesn't trigger when blocks are destroyed by pistons
- MC-208771 - Projectiles landing on wool trigger sculk sensors
- MC-209222 - Attempting to open the Minecraft Realms menu claims that the client is outdated, even if the snapshot may be newer than the release
- MC-209701 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon placing food onto campfires
- MC-209900 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon inserting or retrieving music discs from jukeboxes
- MC-209905 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon milking entities
- MC-209932 - Sculk sensors only detect the last turtle egg being broken when being stepped on
- MC-210231 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon using the riptide enchantment
- MC-210277 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon chickens laying eggs
- MC-210278 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon bees entering or leaving their hive or nest
- MC-210279 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon entities being summoned by a spawner
- MC-210329 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon armor on entities breaking
- MC-210330 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon throwing eyes of ender
- MC-210331 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon wandering traders drinking milk or witches drinking potions
- MC-210485 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon evokers summoning vexes
- MC-210489 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon pointed dripstone filling partially filled cauldrons
- MC-210496 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon harvesting sweet berry bushes
- MC-210712 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon backwards movement in a boat
- MC-210801 - Wool incorrectly occludes the vibration of item frames being placed
- MC-210805 - Wool incorrectly occludes the vibration of walking along blocks placed on top of it that are under 5/16 blocks tall
- MC-210868 - Wool occlusion doesn't work as it should when combining both vertical and horizontal motion
- MC-210887 - Game launch crashes on Linux with Unicode home folder/username
- MC-210901 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon entities sliding on ice
- MC-212036 - Hand animation still plays when 7 blocks under a boat
- MC-212428 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon cleaning items in water cauldrons
- MC-212430 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon rain or snow filling partially filled cauldrons
- MC-212503 - Sculk sensors are not activated upon collecting fish, axolotls, or tadpoles using water buckets
- MC-212610 - Glow lichens cannot be put on soul sand
- MC-212629 - Leashes from two or more invisible entities connect to each other
- MC-213387 - Sculk sensors don't detect endermen/shulkers teleporting from a place to another
- MC-213823 - Minecart placed on wool is detected by sculk sensors but minecart driven over wool is not
- MC-213915 - Equipping armor through the inventory does not count as a vibration
- MC-214622 - Sculk sensors do not detect daylight detector mode switching
- MC-214652 - Naming inconsistency for game events for eating/drinking
- MC-216567 - Vines cannot be placed on the sides of 8 layers of snow
- MC-216569 - Glow lichen cannot be placed on the side of 8 layers of snow
- MC-218222 - Distance value for Sculk Sensors is limited to integers
- MC-219642 - Vines cannot be placed on the sides of soul sand
- MC-219843 - Mycelium's side texture differs from other dirt-based blocks
- MC-219852 - Corner in smoker_bottom texture is still rotated incorrectly
- MC-219875 - You can cause a desync when repeatably picking up liquids
- MC-220067 - Chunk corruption with command block full of certain Unicode characters
- MC-220086 - Sculk sensors do not detect using an axe to clear the wax/weathering of a copper block
- MC-220087 - Sculk sensors do not detect using a honeycomb to wax copper
- MC-221639 - Light Block isn't Dragon or Wither Immune
- MC-224709 - Full armour icon doesn't match empty armour icon
- MC-225195 - Goats don't panic when tempted with their favorite food
- MC-225837 - The word "Recipe" is spelled as "Reciple" within the "narration.recipe" string
- MC-226184 - Axolotls pathfinding to water can sometimes fall in wide holes
- MC-226430 - Several 1.17 advancement strings are improperly capitalized
- MC-226761 - Parity issue: Goats don't drop horns
- MC-227041 - Axolotls will spin constantly on honey blocks that are placed above water
- MC-227382 - Goats and frogs don’t bounce on bouncy blocks upon landing from long jumps
- MC-228049 - Axolotl can't pathfind through open doors
- MC-228533 - Sculk sensors don't detect the feeding of untamed/trusting mobs
- MC-228862 - Game freezes when client fails to download server resource pack
- MC-228944 - Minecraft 1.17 crashes upon opening new world on Apple M1, even with Rosetta.
- MC-229182 - JVM crash in org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokePPPP
- MC-229295 - JVM crash when starting Minecraft (
- MC-230735 - "FOV Effects" setting description is innacurate
- MC-231185 - Server crash while loading Superflat world based on Rails // java.lang.StackOverflowError: Exception while updating neighbours
- MC-231458 - The word "ingot" within the "Serious Dedication" advancement description is improperly capitalized
- MC-231600 - Sculk sensor continuously receives vibrations when next to a powered big dripleaf
- MC-232009 - Minecraft does not resolve SRV records correctly
- MC-235035 - Sleeping in a custom dimension with "natural" set to false causes crash
- MC-235964 - Crash on "Saving world" when F3+L profiling is active - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot read field "f" because "this.D" is null
- MC-236149 - You cannot use CTRL+BACKSPACE to delete words in the book and quill GUI
- MC-236212 - You cannot use CTRL+ARROW KEY to navigate the cursor between words in the book and quill GUI
- MC-237106 - JVM crash in atio6axx.dll at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11C.nglDrawElements(IIIJ)V
- MC-237306 - NBT suggesting is not present in clear command when using an item tag.
- MC-237920 - "Feels like home" advancement is incorrectly capitalized
- MC-237922 - "Jukebox" in Sound of Music description is incorrectly capitalized
- MC-237924 - The word "villager" within the "Star Trader" advancement description is improperly capitalized
- MC-238009 - Some end cities can generate floating above the ground
- MC-238070 - Brewing stand arms do not connect with their bases
- MC-238716 - The minecraft:item.armor.equip_TYPE sound can be heard only by other players when taking armor off armor stands
- MC-238807 - "Out of memory!" message is untranslatable
- MC-239019 - /locatebiome command doesn't consistently locate the nearest cave biome
- MC-244957 - "Search" Option in Social Interactions Screen is not labeled in the right order when using Tab
- MC-245001 - "Manage with Microsoft account" button in Social Interactions menu is not centered
- MC-245504 - Touchscreen mode crash // java.lang.ClassCastException: class eec$a cannot be cast to class eec$c (eec$a and eec$c are in unnamed module of loader 'app')
- MC-246227 - The minecraft:item.armor.equip_TYPE sound can be heard only by other players when switching wearable items between hands
- MC-248161 - Weaponsmith zombie villager texture has leftover pixels from the regular weaponsmith texture
- MC-248292 - Llama uses pre-1.14 chest texture
- MC-248555 - Mismatches within (zombie) villager textures
- MC-248556 - Savanna Zombie Villager missing a body texture
- MC-248557 - Savanna villager body defines pixels identical to base villager texture
- MC-248561 - Vindicator's crossed arms element has miscolored pixels on the faces touching the other arm elements
- MC-248562 - Iron golem has unused pixels in the texture
- MC-248621 - TagKey creation leads to memory leak
- MC-248790 - Custom structures using jigsaw blocks will not generate new pieces under Y-0
- MC-248936 - Minecraft icon on MacOS is not showing correct icon
- MC-249021 - The invitation and news buttons aren't consistently displayed within the realms menu
- MC-249032 - Fence item model's bars inconsistent with placed block
- MC-249039 - "Half" armor bar icon texture is incorrect
- MC-249169 - Paintings do not have their packet coordinates set on spawn
- MC-249246 - Strider can't pathfind through open doors
- MC-249493 - Breaking a minecart with chest/furnace/TNT/hopper separates the minecart and the block it contains
- MC-249558 - All versions crash on M1 Mac with JVM crash when attempting to launch
- MC-249962 - Exploding an End Crystal doesn't produce explosion vibration
- MC-250918 - Players are disconnected from servers when opening command blocks that consist of large numbers of characters within the previous output field
- MC-250921 - Spawners do not drop experience when blown up
- MC-251420 - Demo Mode: The "Purchase Now!" link's destination is incorrect
- MC-252352 - URL in eula.txt (dedicated server) points to the wrong location
Get the Release
To install the release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play!
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
Want to give feedback?
Dela denna story