In the real world, a desert lake is more commonly called an “oasis”. It’s a Latin term, which was borrowed from Ancient Greek, which in turn was borrowed from one of the Ancient Egyptian languages. It actually means “dwelling place” – because oases are one of the few places in the desert where it’s possible for humans to comfortably live.
In most of the world, lakes form when rivers fed by rainwater encounter a barrier. The level of the water rises until it can flow over the top of the barrier, and then the river continues leaving a lake behind. But there isn’t much rain in the desert, and therefore not much water either. Instead, oases tend to be fed by water that comes from underground – where the heat of the sun can’t evaporate it away as easily. When it does reach the surface, the water in an oasis attracts migrating birds, which then leave behind droppings that are full of seeds and fertilizer – allowing a rich plant ecosystem to grow.
Historically, oases have been of critical importance for trade and transport. Merchants crossing deserts would need to arrange their routes to pass places where they could resupply their food and water. Military control of these oases, therefore, became useful for governments who wanted to control and tax that trade.
In many places, humans have even created artificial oases – using wells to bring up water from below ground. So next time you’re crossing a Minecraft desert and feel like you need a break, consider bringing some buckets and making an oasis of your own – enriching the local ecosystem, and yourself in the process.
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