Today is Valentines Day! We couldn't think of any better way to show our love for you than to give you a snapshot full of new things. <3
Changes in 18w07a
- Added Phantoms (MineCon voted mob!)
- Added Turtles
- Added new swimming ability (sprint underwater!)
- Added bubble columns
- Added ability to strip logs
- Added new trident weapon
- Squids now shoot ink to defend themselves
- Added new kelp and sea grass blocks
- Items in water now float to the top
- Added new prismarine stairs and slabs
Changes in 18w07b
- Oxygen no longer regenerates instantly out of water
- Renamed "Turtle shell piece" to "Scute"
- Dried kelp block now burn in the world
- Kelp and sea grass should act a bit more like water
- Lots of bug fixes. You can craft again!
Changes in 18w07c
- The game shouldn't crash when opening your inventory!
You look tired. When's the last time you got a decent night's rest? Bad things happen to those who don't sleep... they start to hallucinate, and see what's really there.
- Spawns in the overworld and the end
- Attacks players who haven't slept in a while
- Drops leather, but this may change
The turtle moves.
- Spawns on warm beaches, but this is temporary
- Will lay eggs in their home beach
- You can craft pieces of their old shell into one big shell
- And wear it on your head!
- Or craft it into a potion!
- Turtles are known for their strength, not their speed
- Please be kind to turtles. They hold up the world.
Kelp and Seagrass
The green in the blue!
- Seagrass generates in all oceans, but this is temporary
- Kelp doesn't generate in deep oceans, but this is temporary
- Kelp can be smelted to get dry kelp
- A tasty snack for the ocean adventurer!
- Or a convenient way to fuel more smelting
- Or just store it away into a dried kelp block
Bubble columns
Blub blub blub blub.
- Doesn't generate anywhere currently
- Occurs when a magma block is in water
- Watch out, you'll get sucked under!
- A good way to breath without cheating game mechanics ;)
Stripped logs
Go ahead, axe us a question.
- You can strip logs by using an axe on them (right-click)
- Stripped logs act like regular logs in furnaces, crafting, etc
- They look neat!
Some say that throwing your only weapon away is a bad idea. We disagree.
- Right click to throw the trident
- Left click to melee
- Currently unobtainable in survival, that will change
- Super overpowered, we'll balance them later
- Has 4 available enchantments
- Loyalty: Your trident will come back to you. Spoil-sport.
- Impaling: Very useful against creatures of the sea.
- Riptide: Gotta go fast.
- Channeling: We're not sure. It's pretty spooky.
- UI icon is not yet implemented
Fixed bugs in 18w07a
- MC-11208 - The big tree generator handles tree height variable incorrectly
- MC-124890 - Can't insert charcoal into furnace
- MC-124897 - "Balloon oak" tree variant generates upside down, with often only stumps visible on the surface
- MC-124902 - Furnace recipes work in crafting interfaces and interfere with crafting recipes
- MC-124903 - Random crash in snow biomes: java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception ticking world
- MC-124913 - Horses, rabbit, parrot, llamas and sheep generate with default color / variant only
- MC-124916 - Chorus plant generation broken
- MC-124930 - The game crashes when pressing "show craftable" in the furnace recipe book.
- MC-124952 - Large oak trees fail to generate in all biomes with the new generator
- MC-125016 - Debug world does not generate
- MC-125047 - World generator not fully cleaned before making new world
Fixed bugs in 18w07b
- MC-124958 - Fuel item display never stops cycling until the GUI is closed after clicking unavailable smelting recipes
- MC-125014 - Red sand can no longer be smelted to glass
- MC-125190 - Kelp and Sea Grass can generate on the top layer of water where it cannot survive
- MC-125213 - Certain crafting recipes don't work in the 2x2 crafting grid
- MC-125225 - Texture of fishing rod hook / bobber is wrong
- MC-125271 - Game crash when using the furnace recipe book under certain conditions
- MC-125303 - Turtle eggs connect to fences, walls, iron bars and glass panes
- MC-125352 - Dried kelp block can't be crafted
- MC-125368 - Sea grass can be bonemealed in locations it can't survive as tall sea grass
- MC-125396 - 2 high Sea grass overriding parts of the ocean monument
- MC-125401 - Turtles lay eggs underwater
- MC-125413 - Dried kelp block do not burn when set on fire
- MC-125416 - Turtle Master Name Bug
- MC-125431 - Kelp spawning in water only 1 high
Get the snapshot
To install the snapshot, open up the Minecraft Launcher and enable snapshots in the "Launch Options" tab.
Snapshots can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
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