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    In a Pale Garden, a motionless Creaking amongst a bed of Eyeblossom flowers stares down the player
    Java Team
    Java Team

    Minecraft Java Edition 1.21.4

    The Garden Awakens Drop Now Out for Java

    In the moonlit canopy of a Pale Garden, an Enderman can be seen holding a Pale Moss block. A Creeper and a Creaking can also be seen in the distance.
    A player made building constructed out of the Pale Oak woodset and Resin blocks is atop of a mountain near a Pale Garden.
    Sunny is walking through a Pale Garden, unaware that several Creakings are stalking them.
    Sunny stands face-to-face with a Creaking, hitting it to figure out where the connected Creaking Heart block is.
    Steve blocks an Arrow shot by a Skeleton with a Shield that has been given the item model of an Iron Sword.
    Steve is opening up gifts under a custom Christmas tree.

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