Added Resin Clump, Block of Resin, Resin Brick, and a family of Resin Bricks blocks.
- Attacking a Creaking will cause its Creaking Heart to exude 2-3 Resin Clumps
- Resin Clumps appear on the sides of Pale Oak Logs that are close and are connected to the Creaking Heart
- The Creaking Heart is on cooldown and cannot produce more Resin Clumps for 5 seconds after an attack
- Resin Clump blocks can be placed on any full face of a neighboring block
- Resin Clump blocks can be waterlogged
- Block of Resin is a storage block for Resin Clumps
- Resin Clumps can be smelted into Resin Brick items
- Resin Brick items can be used as a material for armor trimming
- Resin Brick items can be crafted into Resin Bricks
- Resin Bricks can be crafted into Resin Brick Slabs, Resin Brick Stairs, Resin Brick Walls, and then Chiseled Resin Bricks
- The Stonecutter can also be used to craft these items
- Resin Clump and Resin Block does not require a tool to mine and are mined instantly
- The proper tool for Resin Bricks family of blocks is a Pickaxe
- Resin Clumps can be found in some Woodland Mansion loot chests
New System for Pale Garden Ambient Sounds
Ambient sounds in the Pale Garden biome do not come from the biome itself, but are generated by blocks found in the biome.
- Pale Hanging Moss emits subtle atmospheric sounds when it is attached to Pale Oak Logs or Pale Oak Leaves
- Creaking Hearts emit a set of eerie sounds when they are active during the night and surrounded by Logs on all sides
- Open Eyeblossoms placed on Pale Moss Blocks emit a soft, whispering sound
- Swords are no longer considered efficient tools for mining Moss Carpet
- Hoes remain the proper tools for mining Moss Carpets
- Bees are now withered on player interactions with Wither Roses instead of typical breeding/growing behavior
- Baby Cats and Wolves now get a collar with the color that is a mix between the parents collar color if possible
- Added language support for Popoloca
- The durations of the effects of Suspicious Stews have been aligned with those in Bedrock Edition:
- Saturation: 0.35 seconds (unchanged)
- Night Vision: 5 seconds (unchanged)
- Fire Resistance: 3 seconds
- Blindness: 11 seconds
- Weakness: 7 seconds
- Regeneration: 7 seconds
- Jump Boost: 5 seconds
- Wither: 7 seconds
- Poison: 11 seconds
- Removed Herobrine
Required Tools for Drops
Developer's Note: We made it so any block that drops when its support is broken will also drop when mined with any tool. It seemed unfair that breaking a block directly could destroy it if it was possible to obtain it with any tool just by breaking the block below!
- The following blocks that require support now always drop when broken with any tool: Bell, Lantern, Soul Lantern, all Copper Doors, Iron Door, Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate, Light Weighted Pressure Plate, Polished Blackstone Pressure Plate, and Stone Pressure Plate
- The Brewing Stand now drops when broken with any tool
- The Ender Chest now drops Obsidian when broken with an incorrect tool, instead of dropping nothing
Mobs Picking up Items
Some changes have been made to how mobs decide to replace their equipped items with items on the ground
- If the item belongs in an armor slot, replace the item if any of the following conditions apply
- The new item has a higher base armor value
- The new item has a higher base armor toughness value
- The new item has more enchantments
- The new item is less damaged
- The new item has a custom name while the old one doesn't
- If the item belongs in the main hand slot, replace the item if any of the following conditions apply
- The new item is a preferred weapon while the old one isn't
- If the old item is a preferred weapon while the new item isn't, do not replace the item
- The new item has a higher base damage value
- The new item has more enchantments
- The new item is less damaged
- The new item has a custom name while the old one doesn't
Preferred Weapons
The following mobs now have a preferred weapon type to pick up:
- Skeleton-like mobs, except Wither Skeletons, prefer Bows
- Adult Piglins and Pillagers prefer Crossbows
- Drowned prefer Tridents
Technical Changes
- The Data Pack version is now 61
- The Resource Pack version is now 46
- Removed the winter_drop feature flag and built-in data pack
The Data Generator
- The data generator in the server jar ( no longer generates the assets directory
- The --client option has been removed from the command line for this entry point
- A new entry point is now present in the client jar, with a similar command line structure as the data generator in the server jar
- Available options:
- --client - generates the assets directory
Network Protocol
- Client will now send the minecraft:player_loaded packet once the loading terrain screen has closed after initially loading into the world, and after closing the loading screen when respawning
Data Pack Versions 58 through 61
- The minecraft:trail particle has a new required field: duration
- Indicates, in ticks, how long the particle will take to fly from the start to the target
- Spawn eggs with minecraft:entity_data and block items with minecraft:block_entity_data component will now apply data only if the id tag matches the type of placed entity or block entity
- Additionally, a warning will be added to item tooltip if using such an item might directly or indirectly lead to command execution with a high permission level
- This warning cannot be hidden by any other component
- The field item_model_index in the minecraft:trim_material registry has been removed (no longer needed for model rendering)
- The minecraft:custom_model_data component has been expanded, together with the minecraft:set_custom_model_data modifier
- Removed the minecraft:creaking_transient entity type
- Suggestions will now be shown for attribute modifier IDs existing on the target in the attribute command
attribute Command
New subcommand: base reset for resetting the base value of an attribute to its default value for the target entity. If the attribute does not exist on the entity, the command will fail.
attribute <target> <attribute> base reset
- target: The entity to update the attribute for
- attribute: The attribute ID to update
Block Tags
- Added #bee_attractive - denotes all blocks that Bees may pollinate
- Removed #tall_flowers
Item Tags
- Removed #flowers and #tall_flowers
- Removed trim_templates
- Added #skeleton_preferred_weapons, #piglin_preferred_weapons, #pillager_preferred_weapons and #drowned_preferred_weapons tags for specifying preferred weapons types for these mobs when picking up items
- Added #wither_skeleton_disliked_weapons for weapons that Wither Skeletons don't want to pick up
Furnace, Smoker and Blast Furnace Data
- Renamed CookTime to cooking_time_spent
- Renamed CookTimeTotal to cooking_total_time
- Renamed BurnTime to lit_time_remaining
- Added field lit_total_time representing the total time the furnace should be lit
TNT Minecart Data
- The TNTFuse field of TNT Minecarts has been renamed to fuse
- Addeded optional field explosion_speed_factor that controls the amount of added damage depending on the speed of the Minecart
Text Components
Added optional shadow_color style field to Text Components, which overrides the shadow properties of text.
- Format:
- A packed integer ARGB value (e.g. -1)
- An array of RGBA values (e.g. [1, 1, 1, 1])
- If specified as 0, the shadow will never be displayed for this text
- If specified as a non-zero value, the shadow will always be displayed with this color
Item Components
- The model field has been renamed to asset_id
- Component now has more fields to accommodate new uses by various model property getters (see Resource Pack changes)
- Fields:
- floats - list of floats
- flags - list of booleans
- strings - list of strings
- colors - list of RGB color values
Item Modifiers
Now has more fields to accommodate more complex component structure.
- New fields:
- floats - optional list operation of number providers
- flags - optional list operation of boolean values
- strings - optional list operation of string values
- colors - optional list operation of RGB values or number providers
- The list operations uses same format as explosions field in set_fireworks modifier:
- value - list of values to insert
- mode: enumerated value deciding the function to apply:
- replace_all: fully replace the list
- replace_section: replace a section of the list. Arguments:
- offset: optional non-negative integer:
- Start of replaced range
- If omitted, 0 is used
- size: optional non-negative integer:
- Size of range to be replaced in the list
- If omitted, the size of the values field is used
- insert: insert into the list, moving existing entries to after the inserted section. Arguments:
- offset: optional non-negative integer:
- Index before which the new entries will be inserted
- If omitted, 0 (before first value) is used
- append: append values at the end of the list
- For example {function:"set_custom_model_data",floats:{values:[2],mode:replace_all}} sets replaces floats with the single value 2
Custom World Generation
- The simple_block feature type has a new optional field: schedule_tick
- If set to true, the block will be scheduled to tick once on the first tick the block is within the simulation distance after generation
- Default: false
- Biome effects have a new format for music using a weighted list
- The list can be empty indicating no music should play in this biome
- Biome effects have a new optional field: music_volume
- The game will smoothly transition between the current music volume and the new volume when entering the biome
Resource Pack Version 43 through 46
- New Resources for the Garden Awakens content
- Updates to GUI sprites
- The UV mapping of the Magma Cube texture has been updated
- Invalid minecaft:filled_map items in an Item Frame (map item without the map_id component) no longer change the size of the frame
- New format for data-driving item models
- All blocks that previously rendered only a block entity (Banners, Heads, Beds, Chests, Conduits, Decorated Pots, Shulker Boxes and Signs) will now also render a normal block model over it (same as the existing behavior of Bells, Enchantment Tables, etc.)
- Note: rendered block entity still can't be removed or data-driven, this change only affects previously ignored block models
- Unifont has been updated to 16.0.01
New Resources
- Added the following new block models and textures:
- chiseled_resin_bricks
- closed_eyeblossom
- open_eyeblossom
- Additionally, uses open_eyeblossom_emissive texture layer
- resin_block
- resin_bricks
- resin_clump
- Added the following non-top-level block models:
- cross_emissive
- flower_pot_cross_emissive
- Added the following new item models and textures:
- Added new Armor Trim color palette: trims/color_palettes/resin
- equipment directory has been moved one level up, i.e. models/equipment/ becomes equipment/
- broken_elytra model and texture has been renamed to elytra_broken
GUI Sprites
- The toast/system sprite layout has been updated to use standard nine-slicing functionality
- The toast/tutorial sprite will now be scaled for taller toasts, and as such has nine-slice scaling in the default Resource Pack
- The advancements/box_obtained and advancements/box_unobtained GUI sprites are now configured to scale with nine-slicing
- Empty slot sprites, such as those for the armor slots in the inventory, have been renamed and moved from items into the gui/sprites/container/slot directory
- empty_armor_slot_helmet -> helmet
- empty_armor_slot_chestplate -> chestplate
- empty_armor_slot_leggings -> leggings
- empty_armor_slot_boots -> boots
- empty_slot_sword -> sword
- empty_slot_pickaxe -> pickaxe
- empty_slot_axe -> axe
- empty_slot_shovel -> shovel
- empty_slot_hoe -> hoe
- empty_slot_smithing_template_armor_trim -> smithing_template_armor_trim
- empty_slot_smithing_template_netherite -> smithing_template_netherite
- empty_slot_amethyst_shard -> amethyst_shard
- empty_slot_diamond -> diamond
- empty_slot_emerald -> emerald
- empty_slot_ingot -> ingot
- empty_slot_lapis_lazuli -> lapis_lazuli
- empty_slot_quartz -> quartz
- empty_slot_redstone_dust -> redstone_dust
- The empty slot sprites in the Loom have been split from their background and moved:
- container/loom/banner_slot -> container/slot/banner
- container/loom/pattern_slot -> container/slot/banner_pattern
- container/loom/dye_slot -> container/slot/dye
- The empty slot sprites in the Brewing Stand have been split from the container background:
- container/slot/brewing_fuel
- container/slot/potion
- The empty slot sprites in the Horse/Llama inventories have been split from their background, cropped, and moved:
- container/horse/armor_slot -> container/slot/horse_armor
- container/horse/llama_armor_slot -> container/slot/llama_armor
- container/horse/saddle_slot -> container/slot/saddle
Item models
- New format has been introduced for describing item models
- Item models are selected based on the minecraft:item_model component
- Information (including model) for item with item_model=foo:bar is stored in /assets/foo/items/bar.json
- The overrides section has been removed from existing block models
- There are no longer any hardcoded paths in the models directory - models will be now only used if referenced by definitions in items or blockstates directories
- Models in models/item that only redirect to a block model have been removed
- In such cases, the item model will refer to the models/block model directly
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