In a flash of brilliance not unlike nuclear fusion itself, Minecraft will soon be melded with Fallout, Bethesda Softworks’ much-loved, post-apocalyptic RPG series. So strap on your thickest welding goggles and keep your eyes on the horizon for the mash-up pack’s radiant arrival on Console Edition in the coming days. Or lie under a table. Whatever makes you feel calmer.
Working in the depths of their bunker complex, our artists and builders have been busy blasting Minecraft’s glorious overworld into an irradiated wasteland fit for Fallout fans to wander. Friendly cows, gently sauteed in the light of a thousand suns, have now sprouted second heads, while the familiar supersized spiders have made way for other overgrown arachnids, who scuttle through the dark wielding brutal stingers.
These are not the only mobs to get a little bit melty. Lurking in the shadow of the series’ familiar landmarks - like the Capitol building or Tenpenny Tower - are ghouls, mutants and madmen of many kinds. Vault Dwellers beware: you may be S.P.E.C.I.A.L., but the wasteland is a very dangerous place indeed.
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