I remember the days before autosaves (yes, I am that old, and no, you can’t tell this by my appearance or my sense of humor). I recall one specific time when a friend and I were playing a game that will not be named for embarrassing legal reasons. It was in the middle of a thunderstorm and we had been playing for hours. Obviously, the power went out. Even more obviously, we had not saved our game.
Dear reader, learn from my mistakes! Make sure to save your games – and if you’re playing Minecraft on a PlayStation 3 or Vita and want to continue playing with your worlds on PlayStation 4, you need to take one extra step before the end of the month. Keep in mind that you need to have purchased the Minecraft PlayStation 4 Edition in order to convert your save file. In addition, some PlayStation 3 and Vita cross-save functionality will no longer be available. The following cross-saves will be affected:
- Between PS3 and PS3
- Between PS Vita and PS Vita
- Between PS3 and PS Vita
And, as mentioned, you won’t be able to save from PS3/PS Vita to PS4.
If you have any worlds that you want to keep from your PlayStation 3, please convert your saved games to Minecraft PlayStation 4 Edition before April 15th! Those files can then be loaded into Minecraft (Bedrock) on PlayStation 4 once they’ve been opened in PlayStation 4 Edition. So what are you waiting for? April 14th? Sure, you can do that. But after April 15th, you won’t be able to convert your saved games anymore.
Now go tell all your friends and anyone else that could be playing on a PS3 or Vita. Tell them twice, you can never be too careful (or too annoying!).
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