Minecraft has always been a lovely place to experience the animal kingdom in safety. Sure, that animal kingdom may be limited to the categories of things you can befriend, things you can sit on, and things that want you dead, but isn’t the real world much like that anyway? Look, all I'm saying is that I had a very traumatic experience this one time with a field of bulls and a very yappy dog, and we’re leaving it at that.
But one thing Minecraft has never been very accurate for is depicting the British countryside. Why should it have to, you ask? Why would anyone want to recreate a place renowned for its mangy badgers, soggy summers and a constant fear that there are ants in your picnic basket?
Find your answer in these two Minecraft builds, showcasing the most bright and beautiful creatures that the British countryside has to offer: a fox and a deer.
The former is a bushy-tailed friend that’s the perfect combination of a dog and a cat, a lovable animal that may or may not have been sharp-shooting rich-folk-robber, Robin Hood, and a far better bin-loving pest than the American equivalent, the raccoon. I love foxes, and so do these builders, Natalia4 and AnnejuQ, collectively known as DerpinQ4.
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