We’ve been overwhelmed by your response to Add-Ons in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Windows 10 Edition. You’ve already written tens of thousands of them! Some of my favorites are Ovo’s Rustic: Redemption, More Chairs, PC GUI, and Villager Guards.
For the uninitiated, an Add-On is basically a pack of files that lets you change how Minecraft's world works. Want 50ft chickens? You can have them! Want to create a pigman army to do your bidding and dress them all in frilly tutus? You can do that too, you weirdo! If you want more examples of what you can do with them, check out our dedicated Add-Ons page. They're pretty powerful things!
However, we've noticed some folk getting confused about the different pack types. It's a small thing, but it's easy to get wrong, and can lead to corrupted files. We thought it might be helpful to outline some of the basic types and file names, for easy reference:
1. Resource Packs
These allow the game to be re-skinned. Resource packs can contain images, sound, and descriptions of models, and are packaged as mcpack files. When you import an mcpack, you’ll see a message pop up indicating what is being imported and then, later, another message telling you the import is complete.
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