So, I have decided I want to become obscenely rich.
Filthy, rotten, and all those other positive adjectives we use when we describe the wealthy. Richer than Richie. So rich that I can take helicopter rides to my indoor pool. Rich enough to launch a line of name-brand steaks that will only be sold at home electronics retailers.
This new enterprise required a plan. My first idea was to convince my editor to pay me by the word. Yes, a stirring initiative of such magnitude would surely inspire, nay, embolden me to take this craft, or rather, art of wordsmithery into lofty heights unseen and previously unreached by authors, poet laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners, not to mention other fields of penmanship, such as cereal box back designers, tombstone carvers and fortune cookie manufacturers! Heavy italics usage and run-on sentences could provide a 25% flat bonus!
They said no.
Drat. Maps:
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